AviClear: A Breakthrough in Acne Treatment

SkinDC is proud to provide AviClear, a breakthrough in acne treatment, to our patients in Arlington, Virginia and the surrounding DMV areas! This groundbreaking technology offers hope to people struggling with acne by creating a light at the end of the tunnel (pun intended, because it’s a laser acne treatment!). To help spread the word, we’ve created this AviClear guide, where we’ll give you the 411 on this incredible, life-changing procedure.

What Exactly Is AviClear?

AviClear is a pioneering advancement in acne treatment, marking its place as the first and only FDA-cleared laser solution specifically designed to combat acne. This innovative product harnesses the power of advanced laser therapy to precisely target and significantly reduce the skin’s oil production, directly addressing the root cause of acne for all skin and acne types, including light or dark skin, mild or severe acne, hormonal acne, cystic acne, inflammatory acne, and anything in between).

Imagine being able to stop using all or almost all of your prescribed dermatology medications. AviClear can help you eliminate the need for various skin care products. Instead of juggling daily creams, pills, or other treatments that your skin can grow reliant on, this laser gets down to the nitty-gritty, dialing down oil production to keep breakouts at bay. And guess what? The procedure is so quick that you’ll be able to jump right back into your day. 

Whether you’ve been struggling with acne for a while or just looking for a way to clear things up without much fuss, AviClear could be your ticket.

How Does It Work?

Like the heal tool in Photoshop, AviClear is all about zapping away the problem right at its oily source. How? Well, our skin has these tiny factories called sebaceous glands that produce oil (sebum) all over the body. Though sebum might get a bad rep for making our skin oily or being mistaken for blackheads, it is actually essential for our skin. Sebum is necessary to keep our skin hydrated, but too much can clog pores and lead to acne—and not just on your face. That’s where the AviClear laser steps in with its one-of-a-kind treatment for acne.

AviClear’s laser targets those oil-producing glands, turning down the oil dial without harming the surrounding skin. It’s like when your parents wouldn’t let you have the sweets you wanted; sure, it was delicious and a welcomed break from vegetables, but overindulging would make you sick. You want your skin to produce sebum, but you don’t want too much because it will make your skin “sick” with acne. 

The best part of AviClear is its efficiency—most patients only need three monthly sessions, each lasting for just 30 minutes! 90% of patients saw an improvement in their acne in just six months, and 92% said goodbye to at least half of their acne just 12 months after their final treatment.

AviClear: A Breakthrough in Acne Treatment

AviClear FAQs

At SkinDC, we could talk about AviClear all day; we think it’s so cool! So, even though we’ve just given you the gist of AviClear, we’re going to briefly answer some frequently asked questions we get about this acne treatment to help you understand how awesome it truly is.

Who is the ideal candidate for AviClear?

Most people tired of the acne battle and looking for a change will qualify for AviClear! The only people AviClear is not recommended for are those who are pregnant, nursing, immunocompromised, or have dry skin. 

How long-lasting are the results?

Think of AviClear as the gift that keeps on giving. While individual results vary, many see long-term improvements because AviClear gets to the root of the cause.

Is there any aftercare necessary?

One of the beauties of AviClear is its simplicity. Post-treatment, you can pretty much carry on with your day. We’ll give you a few easy tips to follow, but there’s no heavy lifting required on your part.

How soon can results be expected?

Your acne might flare for a few days after a session, but patience is key. Still, you won’t need to be patient for long! You could start seeing clearer skies (or should we say skin?) in as little as a few weeks. Full results typically shine through after a few months, giving you plenty of reasons to smile.

What to Expect During an AviClear Session?

No anesthetic is required for this procedure; that’s how painless it is! You might feel a slightly uncomfortable sensation, but it’s very manageable. No downtime is needed.

AviClear: A Breakthrough in Acne Treatment

Visit SkinDC Today To Learn More About AviClear!

AviClear isn’t just about exploring a new acne treatment; it’s about embracing a future where you and your skin’s story are rewritten with clarity and confidence. 

Discover if laser light acne treatment is right for you and your acne at SkinDC in Arlington, VA! Please schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists today and start loving your skin.

All About ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration

Hair loss affects over 80  million Americans. At SkinDC, we understand that this cosmetic condition can embarrass you and harm your confidence. Fortunately, you have science-backed, effective options available, including hair restoration. We want to tell you all about ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration, an innovative hair transplant procedure we’re thrilled to offer to qualified patients in Arlington, Virginia.

What Is ARTAS?

Discovering ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration at SkinDC is like uncovering a hidden gem in the world of hair loss solutions. This advanced technology is a leap forward in hair transplant procedures, offering a blend of precision, efficiency, and comfort.

ARTAS is a state-of-the-art robotic system that transforms the way hair transplants are performed. Thanks to the system’s sophisticated artificial/aesthetic intelligence (AI), ARTAS has unparalleled accuracy in analyzing your hair’s natural growth patterns, ensuring that each follicle harvested is healthy and transplanted with the utmost care. This meticulous process results in a fuller, natural, and seamless look.

One of the standout features of ARTAS is its minimally invasive approach. Gone are the days of noticeable scars and lengthy recovery times. ARTAS ensures a swift and comfortable experience, with results that integrate flawlessly with your existing hair. 

ARTAS Vs. NeoGraft 

NeoGraft is another fantastic hair restoration procedure we offer at SkinDC. Like ARTAS, NeoGraft extracts hair follicles from a donor site without noticeable scarring or lengthy recovery time, but how the two systems conduct this process is different. To help you understand how ARTAS works, let’s compare it to NeoGraft.

  • Robotic vs. Handheld Precision: The most notable difference lies in their application. ARTAS utilizes a robotic system for follicle extraction, ensuring consistent precision and reducing human error. NeoGraft, in contrast, relies on a handheld device operated by a skilled technician. Where NeoGraft offers more manual control, ARTAS leads in delivering consistent results with its automated technology.
  • AI-Driven Analysis with ARTAS: ARTAS stands out with its integration of AI, which analyzes your scalp and hair characteristics to optimize the transplant process. The high-speed analysis of the ARTAS system allows for a highly customized approach, tailoring the procedure to your unique hair growth patterns. NeoGraft, while still effective, doesn’t have this level of AI-driven scalp analysis.
  • Procedure Experience: ARTAS’s robotic system can reduce the duration of the transplant session compared to NeoGraft. This efficiency minimizes scalp trauma, potentially leading to quicker recovery times.

The Ideal ARTAS Hair Transplant Candidate

Identifying the right candidate for ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration is critical to achieving the best results. At SkinDC, we look for specific criteria to be certain our clients are well-suited for this advanced procedure.

  • Medical Management: Before starting the ARTAS hair transplant process, we require all of our patients to first try other avenues of hair revival. Our hair loss specialist will guide you through different treatments, including but not limited to medications and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. In short, an ideal candidate will have exhausted the other options available to them before proceeding with a hair transplant. Not only could this help save you money (you might not even need ARTAS to solve your hair loss problems!), it also helps ensure gorgeous, long-lasting results if you continue with ARTAS.
  • Sufficient Hair Density in Donor Areas: Ideal candidates have a good amount of healthy hair growth in the donor areas, typically at the back and sides of the head. This is crucial as ARTAS relies on these areas to harvest hair follicles for transplantation.
  • Realistic Expectations: Understanding what ARTAS can and cannot do is vital. While it offers remarkable improvements in hair fullness and appearance, candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcome based on their hair loss patterns and hairline.
  • General Health Considerations: Good overall health is essential for any surgical procedure, including ARTAS. Candidates should be free from conditions that might affect healing or hair growth to ensure the best possible results.
  • Hair Loss Type: ARTAS is most effective for certain types of hair loss, such as male and female pattern baldness. It’s less suited for hair loss due to medication, stress, or medical conditions.
All About ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration

What To Expect

Embarking on the ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration journey at SkinDC is an exciting step towards reclaiming your hair. Here’s what you can expect from this advanced procedure:

  • Initial Consultation: After completing all other treatment methods, our experts will review your health background and reexamine your hair loss to determine if ARTAS is the best fit for you. 
  • The Procedure Day: On the day of the procedure, the ARTAS robot, guided by our skilled team, will meticulously harvest hair follicles from the donor area. This process is precise and minimally invasive, ensuring comfort throughout. The harvested follicles are then strategically transplanted to the thinning areas.
  • Post-Procedure Care: After the procedure, you’ll receive comprehensive care instructions. Recovery is typically swift, with many patients returning to normal activities within a few days. You might experience some redness, swelling, and a sensation that feels like a mild sunburn in the treated areas.
  • Seeing Results: Patience is key! Initial hair growth can be seen in about three months, with more significant results visible after six months, and full results should be visible after one year. We must stress that everybody is different, and this time frame may vary. 

At SkinDC, we ensure you’re well-informed and comfortable at every step. We’re not just your doctor; we’re your support team!

All About ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration
ARTAS Hair Transplant Before and After


Is ARTAS painful?

Most patients report minimal discomfort during the ARTAS procedure. We use local anesthesia to numb the treatment area, making the process relatively painless. Post-procedure, any discomfort is typically slight and short-lived.

How long does the ARTAS procedure take?

The duration of the ARTAS procedure varies depending on the extent of the treatment area. Generally, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. Our team at SkinDC will provide you with a more precise timeline during your consultation.

Are the results of ARTAS permanent?

The results of ARTAS hair restoration are long-lasting. The transplanted hair follicles are genetically programmed to continue growing. However, it’s important to note that ARTAS doesn’t prevent new hair loss, so some patients may opt for future treatments.

How much does an ARTAS hair transplant cost?

The cost of an ARTAS hair transplant can vary based on individual needs and the extent of the treatment area. We understand that each patient’s situation is unique, and we tailor our treatments to meet those individual needs and budgets. For this reason, it’s challenging to provide a specific price without a personal consultation. Having said that, you can feel confident that SkinDC is committed to offering affordable care. 

Note: Hair restoration procedures, including ARTAS, are generally not covered by insurance unless the hair loss is a result of a medical condition. 

All About ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration

Regrow Your Confidence With ARTAS At SkinDC! 

Your fuller, natural-looking hair is within reach with ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration at SkinDC. Schedule your consultation with one of our exceptional board-certified dermatologists today!

Why Fall is the Perfect Season for Laser Treatments

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, the fall season brings a perfect opportunity to rejuvenate your skin and address various dermatological concerns. One of the most effective and popular ways to achieve this is through laser treatments offered at SkinDC. Whether you’re seeking to address sun damage, wrinkles, acne scars, or just desire a refreshed complexion, this article will guide you through the advantages of opting for laser treatments in the autumn months.


Why Fall is the Perfect Season for Laser Treatments

Reduced Sun Exposure

The primary reason why fall is an excellent time for laser treatments is the decreased sun exposure in the fall/winter. During the summer, the sun’s intense UV radiation can be harmful to recently lasered skin, making it more susceptible to hyperpigmentation. Fall, with its shorter and less intense sunlight, is an ideal time to protect your skin and achieve the best results from your laser treatment. With less risk of sunburn or pigmentation changes, you can confidently undergo these procedures during the autumn months.

Cooler Temperatures

The cooler temperatures of fall are another reason to opt for laser treatments at this time. Many laser treatments can make the skin temporarily more sensitive, red, or swollen. In the fall, you can comfortably cover your treated areas with clothing or scarves without feeling overheated. This will also help protect your skin from harsh weather conditions, like cold winds, which can be less forgiving to freshly treated skin.

Time for Recovery

Laser treatments often require some downtime for your skin to heal and reveal its full benefits. Fall provides a more relaxed atmosphere for recovery compared to other seasons. With the holiday season approaching, you can take time off work or social activities without feeling too conspicuous or missing out on outdoor summer events. This makes it easier to manage any temporary side effects and allows you to heal in comfort and privacy.

Types of Laser Treatments

Now that we’ve established why fall is the perfect season for laser treatments, let’s explore some of the most popular laser procedures at SkinDC. 

BBL (Broad Band Light Therapy)

 We offer the BBL (Broadband Light) Treatment at SkinDC.  It uses broad-spectrum light to target specific skin conditions, breaking down pigmented areas and encouraging the body’s natural healing response. Fall is the perfect time for BBL treatments, as it allows you to correct summer sun damage while reducing the risk of complications.

During a BBL treatment, a handheld device emits pulses of broad-spectrum light that target specific chromophores (color particles) in the skin. These pulses of light heat up and break down pigmented (brown) or vascular (red) lesions in the skin without harming the surrounding tissues. The body’s natural healing processes then work to gradually eliminate these discolorations, leading to smoother, clearer skin.

The Halo Laser Treatment

The Halo Laser Treatment is an advanced and innovative skin rejuvenation procedure that combines both ablative and non-ablative laser technologies to address a wide range of skin concerns. It is designed to improve skin texture, tone, and overall appearance. The Halo Laser Treatment is known for its ability to deliver remarkable results with minimal downtime, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a comprehensive skin rejuvenation solution.

The Halo Laser Treatment utilizes a hybrid fractional laser technology, which combines two types of laser wavelengths: ablative and non-ablative. This unique combination allows for precise and customizable treatment, as it can target different layers of the skin simultaneously. The ablative laser removes tiny columns of damaged skin while the non-ablative laser heats the surrounding tissue to stimulate collagen production and promote skin rejuvenation.

VBeam Vascular Laser

The Vbeam laser, is a vascular laser treatment designed to target and treat various vascular and pigmented skin concerns. It is a versatile and effective option for improving the appearance of the skin, primarily by addressing issues related to blood vessels, redness, and pigmentation irregularities.

The Vbeam laser utilizes a pulsed dye laser (PDL) system, which emits precise bursts of light at specific wavelengths to target and treat various skin concerns. The laser’s energy is absorbed by hemoglobin in blood vessels or pigments in the skin, which selectively heats and eliminates them. This process is called photothermolysis, and it stimulates the body’s natural healing response, leading to improved skin texture and reduced redness.

PicoWay Resolve Resurfacing

The PicoWay Resolve is an advanced laser treatment used for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. It is a non-invasive procedure that employs picosecond laser technology to address a range of skin concerns, including pigmentation irregularities, wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars. The “Resolve” component of PicoWay refers to its fractional laser treatment mode, which is designed for skin resurfacing.

The PicoWay Resolve laser uses ultra-short picosecond pulses of laser energy to target and treat specific areas of the skin. It breaks down pigmented lesions, stimulates collagen production, and initiates the skin’s natural healing process. The fractional mode delivers the laser energy in a grid pattern, creating tiny treatment zones on the skin’s surface while leaving surrounding tissue intact. This fractional approach promotes faster healing and minimal downtime.

Profractional Laser Resurfacing

ProFractional laser resurfacing is an advanced skin rejuvenation treatment that uses a fractionated laser system to improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, and address various skin concerns. This procedure is often chosen for its ability to provide significant results with less downtime compared to traditional ablative laser treatments.

ProFractional laser resurfacing utilizes a fractionated laser system, which breaks up the laser energy into thousands of tiny microbeams. These microbeams create narrow, deep columns of laser energy within the skin while leaving surrounding tissue untouched. This fractionated approach promotes faster healing and stimulates the skin’s natural regeneration process.

PicoWay Tattoo Removal

The PicoWay laser system is an advanced technology used for tattoo removal. It’s known for its effectiveness in breaking down tattoo ink into smaller particles, making it easier for the body’s natural processes to eliminate the ink from the skin. PicoWay is a picosecond laser, which means it emits extremely short pulses of laser energy in picoseconds (trillionths of a second), making it one of the fastest and most precise tattoo removal lasers available.

PicoWay works by delivering ultra-short pulses of laser energy to the tattoo ink particles. These short pulses create a shockwave effect, shattering the ink into smaller fragments without damaging the surrounding skin. This fragmentation allows the body’s immune system to naturally clear the ink from the body over time.

GentleMax Laser Hair Removal

The GentleMax Pro is a state-of-the-art laser system designed for hair removal and various other dermatological treatments. It’s known for its versatility and effectiveness in addressing unwanted hair, as well as treating a range of skin conditions. The GentleMax Pro uses a combination of two types of lasers, the Alexandrite laser and the Nd: YAG laser, to provide safe and efficient hair removal for a broad range of skin types.

The GentleMax Laser is highly effective for lighter skin types and targets melanin, the pigment responsible for hair color. It emits a specific wavelength of light that is well-absorbed by melanin, heating up the hair follicles and disabling them.

Benefits of Laser Treatments in the Fall

Enhanced Comfort

The milder fall temperatures make the recovery process more comfortable for patients. You can wear cozy clothing to protect your skin from the elements and maintain a comfortable environment at home while your skin heals.

Reduced Sun Exposure

Fall is characterized by shorter days and less intense sunlight, reducing the risk of UV damage after laser treatments. This minimizes the chances of hyperpigmentation and sunburn, allowing your skin to recover without complications.

Flexible Scheduling

With the holiday season still ahead, you can take time off work and social engagements to accommodate the necessary recovery period. This flexibility ensures a smoother and more relaxed experience throughout your laser treatment journey.

Long-Term Results

Since laser treatments often require multiple sessions for optimal results, starting in the fall ensures that you have enough time to complete the recommended series of treatments. By the time spring and summer arrive, your skin will be at its best, and you can confidently show off the results.

Skin’s Natural Healing Process

Fall provides the ideal environment for the skin’s natural healing process. With cooler temperatures and lower humidity, you can expect less sweating and lower risk of bacterial infection, helping your skin recover more efficiently.

Aesthetic Enhancements Before the Holidays

For those seeking to look their best during holiday gatherings and events, starting laser treatments in the fall is a strategic move. You can reveal your refreshed and rejuvenated skin to friends and family, boosting your confidence during the festive season.

Minimized Sunscreen Dependency

After laser treatments, it’s crucial to apply sunscreen diligently. In the fall, you can rely less on sunscreen as you would during the summer, making your skincare routine more manageable.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Dermatologists can tailor laser treatment plans to your specific needs and skin type. During your initial consultation, you can discuss your goals, concerns, and the recommended treatments that will provide the best results.

Preparing for Laser Treatments

Before undergoing laser treatments in the fall, there are essential preparations you should consider:

Consultation with a Dermatologist

Schedule a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist to discuss your skin concerns and explore the best laser treatment options for your needs. This is the first step in creating a personalized treatment plan.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Leading up to your laser treatment, limit sun exposure and use broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin. This will minimize any potential complications during and after the procedure.

Skincare Routine

Follow your dermatologist’s recommended skincare routine, which may include products like gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and post-procedure creams. Adhering to a prescribed routine will help prepare your skin for the laser treatment.

Medical History

Be sure to provide your dermatologist with a comprehensive medical history, including any medications you are currently taking. This information is crucial for ensuring your safety and the effectiveness of the procedure.

Downtime Planning

Plan for the necessary downtime post-treatment. You may need a few days to a week for recovery, depending on the type of laser treatment you choose.


Fall is undoubtedly the perfect season to embark on your journey to healthier, more beautiful skin through laser treatments at a dermatologist’s practice. With reduced sun exposure, cooler temperatures, and a comfortable environment for recovery, you can enjoy the benefits of these treatments without the complications associated with other seasons. Whether you’re looking to address wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, or overall skin rejuvenation, fall offers the ideal conditions to achieve your desired results. So, as you savor the changing leaves and embrace the cozy vibes of autumn, consider adding laser treatments to your self-care routine for a radiant and refreshed complexion.

Make the most of this season and consult with a board-certified dermatologist to start your journey toward healthier, more beautiful skin. Fall into a world of endless possibilities, where the only thing changing is your skin—radiantly rejuvenated.

The Future of Skin Boosting at SkinDC

Skin boosters have emerged as a valuable addition to the world of non-surgical cosmetic treatments and offer a natural-looking rejuvenation by nourishing the skin from within, providing hydration, reducing fine lines, and enhancing overall skin health. What sets skin boosters apart from other treatments and why are they becoming the go-to choice for those seeking radiant and youthful skin? We’ll dive into what makes skin boosters different and how they can transform your skincare routine!

What are Skin Boosters

Skin boosters are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment designed to hydrate and rejuvenate the skin and is delivered through a series of micro-injections containing hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is an essential component of the dermal layer of the skin whose function is to maintain skin hydration by binding water molecules. By injecting it into the skin, the treatment enhances moisture retention, giving the skin a plumper and smoother appearance. Skin boosters won’t change the shape or volume of your face – just provide healthier looking skin for a lasting glow. 


SkinDC is excited to announce that we are carrying Skinvive, the first and only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid microdroplet injectable. 


What makes skin boosters different?

Skin boosters have emerged as a game-changing innovation in the world of cosmetic skincare. Some of the key differences between skin boosters and other treatments are

  • Hydration, hydration, hydration: Skinvive focuses on deep skin hydration. When injected into the skin, hyaluronic acid acts as a moisture magnet, attracting and retaining water molecules. This results in plumper, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin.
  • Full-face rejuvenation: Skinvive provides hydration which gives an overall rejuvenation effect for revitalized and radiant skin. 
  • Gradual, natural-looking results: Skinvive delivers subtle, natural-looking results. Unlike some treatments that lead to drastic changes, Skinvive gradually improves the skin’s texture and appearance.
  • Minimal downtime: You can typically return to your daily activities after treatment and makes Skinvive an excellent option for those with busy lives or those who prefer non-invasive procedures. 

How do skin boosters work 

Skin boosters work by replenishing and enhancing the skin’s moisture content and promoting collagen production, resulting in improved skin texture, hydration, and overall quality. They work by:

  • Provide a Hyaluronic Acid Infusion: Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic molecule, which means it has a remarkable ability to attract and hold onto water.
  • Microinjections: Unlike traditional dermal fillers, which are injected in larger quantities to target specific wrinkles or areas, skin boosters involve a series of microinjections. These injections are administered evenly across the treatment area, creating a network of tiny deposits of hyaluronic acid beneath the skin’s surface. 
  • Moisture Retention: Once injected, hyaluronic acid acts like a sponge, drawing in water molecules from the surrounding tissues and locking them in place. This process significantly improves skin hydration, leading to plumper and smoother appearance.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Skinvive is injected as tiny, microdroplets of hyaluronic acid within the dermis layer, so you won’t see any change in shape or volume of your face. Hyaluronic acid, often abbreviated as HA, is a naturally occurring substance found in various tissues throughout the human body and plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and hydration of these tissues. Some of Hyaluronic Acid’s benefits to the skin are:

  • Hydration: Hyaluronic acid is a powerful humectant, which means it attracts and retains water. When applied topically, HA helps the skin absorb and hold onto moisture. This deep hydration helps plump the skin, improving its overall texture and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Hydrated skin also tends to look more radiant and youthful. 
  • Texture Improvement: Hyaluronic acid can improve the overall texture of the skin. It helps to smooth rough or uneven skin, making it look softer and more supple. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with dry or damaged skin. 
  • Suitable for All Skin Types: Hyaluronic acid is well-tolerated by most skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. It is non-comedogenic , which means it won’t clog pores, making it a versatile choice for various skincare routines. 
  • Instant and Prolonged Benefits: The effects of hyaluronic acid on the skin are often noticeable immediately, as it quickly hydrates and plumps the skin.

How long do they last?

Skinvive lasts up to 6 months with optimal treatment! 

What are they good for 

Skin boosters are versatile and can address various skin concerns such as:

hydration, fine lines and wrinkles, skin luminosity, acne scars, and overall skin health. The treatment is FDA-approved for treatment of the cheeks, but the neck, chest, and hands are other possible areas for treatment. Some of the benefits of Skinvive are:

  • Creates healthy hydrated skin: Skinvive, a modified hyaluronic acid gel formula, helps the skin retain its moisture and softness leading to an improvement in skin smoothness
  • Replenishes hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid naturally decreases with age and sun exposure, creating dull skin. Skinvive microdroplets helps replenish the skin and help address the effects, such as texture changes and dullness
  • Hydrates skin from within: Boosts your skin’s internal hydration and protects the skin’s barrier 

Who is a candidate for Skinvive?

Skinvive is safe for all skin types and is perfect for patients who are noticing skin dullness or looking to improve skin smoothness. It is great for both young and older patients. Anyone interested in improved skin appearance is likely a good candidate.

Are they the same thing as Dermal Fillers 

NO!!!  While skin booster and dermal fillers share some similarities, they are not the same. Dermal fillers are highly concentrated and cross-linked hyaluronic acid gels that are placed deep to lift the skin.  Dermal fillers are typically used to add volume to specific areas of the face, such as the lips, chin, jawline, tear troughs, or cheeks, and work by “filling in” the targeted area. 


On the other hand, skin booster’s main focus is improving the skin’s overall quality and hydration. The hyaluronic acid that is found in skin booster treatments are a lower concentration product designed to be injected high in the skin to improve skin hydration and appearance without “lifting” the skin. Skin booster’s improve skin smoothness for all skin types and hydrate the skin from within!

Want to learn more about the dermal fillers we have at SkinDC? Click Here

Does Skinvive require downtime after treatment?

One of the great things about Skinvive is that it involves minimal downtime! Skin boosters like Skinvive are designed to be minimally invasive, and many people can resume their regular activities shortly after the procedure!

What are the results of Skinvive?

Skinvive’s results are already impressive! In the clinical trials, 63% of patients reported satisfaction with how their facial skin looked at six months compared to 11% before. 

When should you get Skin Boosters?

Skinvive can be thought of as an injectable facial that has a lasting glow! You may consider getting Skinvive when you:

  • Struggle with dry or dehydrated skin: If you have chronically dry or dehydrated skin, Skinvive can provide essential hydration and improve moisture retention, leaving your skin looking plump and radiant 
  • Notice uneven skin texture: Skinvive can help improve the texture of the skin, making it smoother and reducing the appearance of acne scars, large pores, or uneven skin tone
  • Are about to have a special occasion: Achieve your best glow yet before a special event like a wedding or a reunion
  • Notice early signs of aging: Skinvive can be beneficial for individuals in their late 20s to mid-30s who are beginning to notice the first signs of aging, such as fine lines, dullness, or a loss of skin elasticity
  • Want to complement other treatments: Skinvive can be used with other cosmetic treatments like Botox or Dermal Fillers to enhance and maintain the overall results


What to expect during your treatment 

The first step to getting Skinvive is scheduling a consultation with SkinDC! During your appointment, multiple microdroplet injections will be performed. Lidocaine, a common pain reliever, is an ingredient in Skinvive to keep you comfortable. After your treatment, you should minimize strenuous exercise, exposure to extensive sun or heat, and alcoholic beverages within the first 24 hours following treatment. Your Skinvive results can last up to 6 months with optimal treatment. 

Get Skinvive in Arlington Virginia and Washington DC!

Skinvive is now available at SkinDC! At SkinDC, we understand the perception of skin disease and aging varies within individuals, genders, and ethnicities. With this understanding, we avoid “cookie-cutter” dermatology and aesthetics through detailed consultation and collaboration with our patients in order to customize each treatment and service. 

Interested in learning more about the first and only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid microdroplet injectable? Click here to schedule your consultation today! 

CoolSculpting: Legacy vs. Elite

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical body contouring procedure that aims to eliminate stubborn fat cells using controlled cooling technology. Developed by scientists at Harvard University over a decade ago, CoolSculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, has been well-established as a safe and effective treatment alternative to traditional liposuction surgery. 

Many of us have stubborn fat bulges despite diet and exercise. CoolSculpting effectively targets fat cells underneath the skin without damage to the skin or surrounding tissues. CoolSculpting’s mechanism of action is to slowly lower the temperature in order to freeze and crystallize the fat within the fat cells but avoid freezing normal cells which contain water.  The body responds to the frozen fat cells by causing them to undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death.  The treated fat cells are permanently eliminated from the body, and they do not regenerate.  This selective removal of unwanted fat cells leads to a reduction in fat thickness and an improved body contour. 

One of the significant advantages of CoolSculpting is that it is a non-invasive procedure. There is no need for anesthesia, incisions, or downtime, allowing patients to resume their regular activities immediately after treatment. Some patients may experience mild discomfort, such as pulling, tugging, or cold sensations during the procedure, but these sensations generally subside as the treatment area becomes numb. 

Results from CoolSculpting are not immediate but become noticeable within a few weeks to months following the procedure. The body gradually metabolizes the eliminated fat cells, resulting in a slimmer and more contoured appearance. Multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired outcome, depending on the individual’s goals and the extent of fat reduction needed. There is a 20 to 25 percent fat reduction with each CoolSculpting treatment. “Most patients require at least two rounds of treatment to reach their aesthetic goals,” explains Ragan Lake, Body Contouring Specialist at SkinDC.

To learn more about CoolSculpting, listen to our Body Contouring Specialist, Ragan Lake, speak about the treatment here: CoolSculpting at SkinDC

Where Areas Can I Treat? 

CoolSculpting is a versatile non-surgical body contouring treatment that can target various areas of the body where stubborn fat accumulates. The procedure is FDA-approved and has been proven effective in reducing localized fat deposits in several places. Here are the FDA-approved areas that can be treated with CoolSculpting: 

  • Abdomen: The abdomen is the most popular treatment area for both men and women. CoolSculpting can address unwanted belly fat and help sculpt a flatter and more defined midsection. 
  • Flanks: CoolSculpting can target the flanks or love handles, which are the areas of fat located on the sides of the waist. By treating this area, patients can achieve a more contoured silhouette. 
  • Thighs: Both the inner, outer, and posterior thighs can be treated with CoolSculpting. This procedure can help reduce the appearance of stubborn fat pockets and create smoother and more toned thighs. 
  • Double Chin: CoolSculpting has proven effective in treating submental fat, commonly known as a double chin. It can reduce the fat in this area, which results in a more defined jawline and slimmer facial profile. 
  • Upper Arms: CoolSculpting can address excess fat in the upper arms, commonly known as ‘bat wings’. This fat reduction can leave patients feeling more confident and toned in their summer clothing. 
  • Back and Bra Line: CoolSculpting can target fat deposits on the back and around the bra area. This treatment can help eliminate rolls and bulges, resulting in a smoother and more contoured back. 
  • Male Chest: CoolSculpting can be used to treat excess fat in the chest area for men who have pseudo-gynecomastia, a condition characterized by the appearance of male breasts due to fatty tissue, not breast tissue. 

It is important to note that the suitability of CoolSculpting for a specific area may vary depending on individual factors, such as the amount of fat present and the desired outcome. This is why SkinDC offers a FREE body contouring consultation to see if CoolSculpting is right for you! During this consultation, our body contouring specialist, Ragan Lake, will assess your problem areas and develop a customized treatment plan. Schedule your FREE CoolSculpting consultation today. 


What Should I Expect During a Treatment?

During a CoolSculpting treatment at SkinDC, you can expect a comfortable and straightforward experience. At the beginning of each treatment, our body contouring specialist, Ragan, will walk you through your custom treatment plan that was designed during your consultation to ensure you are all on the same page. She will then mark the treatment area to ensure the applicator is correctly placed for optimal results. A gel pad is then placed on the area to protect the skin and help the applicator get proper contact. The applicator is then placed on the treatment area, and the fatty tissue is gently suctioned inside to ensure full contact with the cooling plates. Once the applicators have been started, patients may feel a very cold sensation in the treatment area, but this typically subsides in ten minutes as the area becomes numb. 

Many patients use this time to relax, read, watch Netflix, or even take a nap. The treatment sessions typically last around 35 or 70 minutes, depending on the area being treated. After the treatment has ended, the applicator will be removed and the body contouring specialist will perform a two-minute massage of the area. According to clinical studies, this massage helps break apart fat cells and improves the patient’s outcome. 

When Will I Start Seeing Results? 

After a CoolSculpting treatment, you can expect to start seeing initial results around three weeks. However, it is important to note that the full results of CoolSculpting become more noticeable over time and may continue to improve for up to three months after the treatment. During the first few weeks following the treatment, you may begin to notice a gradual reduction in the treated area’s fat thickness. As the body’s natural metabolic processes kick in, the treated fat cells start to break down and are gradually eliminated from the body. Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help optimize your CoolSculpting results. 

Who is an Ideal Candidate for CoolSculpting? 

An ideal candidate for CoolSculpting is someone who is close to their ideal body weight but has specific areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is important to remember that CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss procedure but rather a body sculpting technique. Good candidates have realistic expectations and understand that CoolSculpting is designed to enhance the body contour and reduce fat thickness, not to drastically change overall body weight. “I recommend that a patient be within 15-20 lbs of their ideal weight,” says Ragan. She explains, “…at that point, the areas treated with CoolSculpting will be discouraging to patients who are making the right lifestyle choices because they’re the last areas (if ever) to respond to diet and exercise.”

If you are not sure if you are a good candidate, schedule your free body contouring consultation at SkinDC today! 

CoolSculpting Elite vs. CoolSculpting Legacy 

In January 2021, Allergan Aesthetics, an AbbVie company, announced the launch of CoolSculpting Elite, the next-generation fat reduction system. This new device came with many changes and improvements over its predecessor, the CoolSculpting Legacy device. 

Improved Applicators 

Unlike the CoolSculpting Legacy applicators, the Elite applicators are not U-shaped but instead are C-shaped, and come in seven different shapes and sizes. With previous CoolSculpting treatments, some patients found the applicators somewhat uncomfortable and tight. The new C-shaped applicators have a contour that fits your body’s natural curves better for maximum results and comfort. The new C-shape instead of the U-shaped contour also means less squeezing on the tissue. 

The new design of the applicator features up to an 18 percent larger cooling area as compared to the previous generation CoolSculpting applicators. They also contain ‘Freeze Detect’ which is a technology that monitors heat extraction. The Freeze Detect is a patented protection against cold injury. This system monitors heat extraction to help ensure patient safety and optimal results. 

Enhanced Fat Removal 

Another benefit of the new C-shaped applicator design is that the contract between the applicator and the skin’s surface is greatly improved. With greater surface contact, the device is able to cool the underlying fat.  This allows for the cooling to be more efficient and uniform.  In our experience, the new handpieces have led to quicker and more effective results.  In addition, the larger footprint of the applicators also means that more surface is covered in the treatment area for greater results. 

Faster Results in Fewer Treatments 

CoolSculpting Elite makes contact with the body in a more efficient manner, as Elite applicators cover up to 18 percent more skin surface than CoolSculpting Legacy. This means larger treatment areas can be targeted in less time (shorter treatment sessions). Not only that, but each device has the ability to use two applicators at the same time, a practice commonly referred to as Dual Sculpting. Each CoolSculpting Elite machine can address two different treatment areas at the same time. This shortens appointment times considerably since multiple areas can be treated at the same time. 

At SkinDC, we have multiple CoolSculpting Elite machines, allowing for our body contouring specialist to “Quad Sculpt”. “Quad CoolSculpting allows me to treat more areas at once for a patient, which means less time in the office and fewer appointments,” says Ragan.

Studies have also shown that individuals can start to see results in as little as three weeks, with full results shown at three months with the Elite machines. The CoolSculpting Legacy machine treatments would not see results until four weeks post-treatment, with full results being seen at four months. 

CoolSculpting at SkinDC

SkinDC is home to two of the nation’s CoolSculpting experts. Dr. Terrence Keaney is a board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of SkinDC. He is an early adopter of the CoolSculpting Elite device and a national speaker of CoolSculpting best practices. Ragan Lake is a Master CoolSculpting Clinician and leads the SkinDC body contouring team, performing over 2,000 CoolSculpting treatments annually. Ragan is also a National Trainer for CoolSculpting. As a National Trainer, Ragan visits National CoolSculpting Training Centers in New Jersey, Texas, and California, and offers private Field Training Programs across the nation. 

SkinDC is consistently ranked as the #1 CoolSculpting provider in Virginia and Washington, D.C., and a top 10 provider nationally (Allergan Aesthetics, 2022). SkinDC provides patients with a personalized, holistic approach to body contouring utilizing the latest CoolSculpting Elite technology. SkinDC was named “The Face of CoolSculpting” in the January 2023 issue of Washingtonian Magazine. The magazine’s “Face of Washington” distinctions are awarded to local entrepreneurs and business leaders who are moving their industries and the region forward, and making the region a better place to live. 

Hair Loss 101: Types and Causes

What is Hair Loss? 

The problem of hair loss affects millions of people globally, regardless of age or gender. Our confidence and sense of self-worth can be significantly impacted by the health of our hair, which is crucial to how we look overall. One must look at the various types and causes of hair loss in order to understand it. In this blog post, we will look at the many types of hair loss and consider their underlying reasons. Whether you are battling with excessive shedding, bald patches, or thinning hair, this guide will provide valuable information. 


Hair Loss and Its Impact on Mental Health 

Your mental health may be significantly impacted by hair loss, which frequently results in stress, anxiety, and a decline in well-being. The following are some significant ways that these conditions may impact mental health: 

  • Self-Esteem and Body Image: Our hair has a significant impact on our self-perception. Hair loss, whether gradual or sudden, can contribute to a drop in self-esteem. You may start to regard yourself as less attractive or be concerned about how other people perceive you, which can have a detrimental impact on your body image. 
  • Social Anxiety and Self-Consciousness: Hair loss can make people feel self-conscious, especially in social situations. They may be concerned about drawing attention to thinning or balding areas, which may cause greater social anxiety and a reluctance to participate in social activities. 
  • Depression and Emotional Distress: Hair loss can have a profound emotional impact, leading to feelings of grief, frustration, or even melancholy. The loss of a physical feature can result in a grieving process and a sense of loss of identity. 
  • Impact on Relationships: Hair loss can have an impact on relationships with partners, family members, and friends. Individuals may feel vulnerable and have difficulty with intimacy because they are concerned that their hair loss will make them less appealing or beautiful to their loved ones.  

There are many coping strategies for maintaining your mental health while suffering from hair loss. It is always important to seek support, practice self-compassion, and seek professional mental help.  At SkinDC, we have found success at improving the mental burden of hair loss by treating the underlying disease.  Patients who explore various treatment options find that it provides a sense of control and empowerment. Consultation with dermatologists or hair restoration specialists can offer personalized advice and guidance. Remember, everyone’s experience with hair loss and its impact on mental health is unique. It is crucial to prioritize self-care, seek support, and engage in strategies that promote both physical and emotional well-being throughout your hair loss journey. 


Types of Hair Loss 

Androgenetic Alopecia 

Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness, is the most common type of hair loss. It affects both men and women, albeit with different patterns and severity. Androgenetic alopecia is primarily caused by genetic hormonal factors and typically progresses gradually over time. 


Androgenetic alopecia affects a significant portion of the population. In men, it often starts with a receding hairline and thinning at the crown, eventually leading to partial or complete baldness. Women, on the other hand, may experience overall hair thinning, particularly at the crown or parting line, while maintaining frontal hairlines. 

Genetic Factors 

Genetic predisposition plays a significant role in androgenetic alopecia. The condition can be inherited from either parents or even from both sides of the family. Certain genes contribute to the sensitivity of hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone derived from testosterone. 

Hormonal Influence 

Hormones, particularly androgens like testosterone, have a significant influence on the development of androgenetic alopecia. In individuals with a genetic predisposition, DHT binds to hair follicles, contributing to their tendency to shrink and produce thinner and shorter hairs over time. Eventually, the affected follicles may cease hair production altogether. 

Hair Follicle Miniaturization 

Androgenetic alopecia is not a disease of hair loss, but rather hair miniaturization. One characteristic of androgenetic alopecia is the gradual miniaturization of the hair shaft. As the condition progresses, hair follicles become smaller and produce finer, thinner hairs, making them more susceptible to falling out and leading to overall hair thinning. 

Contributing Factors 

While genetics and hormones are the primary factors in androgenetic alopecia, other factors can accelerate or exacerbate the condition. These may include aging, stress, certain medications, underlying medical conditions, and hormonal imbalances. 

Alopecia Areata 

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss, typically in patches on the scalp but can also affect other areas of the body. It is characterized by the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking the hair follicles, leading to hair loss. 

Patchy Hair Loss

The primary symptom of alopecia areata is the sudden onset of patchy hair loss. Small, round, or oval-shaped bald patches may appear on the scalp, often without any associated redness, scaling, or irritation. In some cases, hair loss can progress to complete baldness on the scalp (alopecia totalis) or even affect the entire body (alopecia universalis). 

Autoimmune Disorder 

Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune disease because the body’s immune system mistakenly targets its healthy hair follicles as foreign invaders. This attack disrupts the normal hair growth cycle, resulting in the shedding of the hair and the prevention of new hair growth. 

Triggers and Factors 

The exact cause of alopecia areata is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some potential triggers or factors that may contribute to its development include genetic predisposition, certain viral or bacterial infections, hormonal imbalances, stress, and psychological factors. 

Impact on Hair Growth Cycle 

In alopecia areata, the immune system attacks the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle, which is the active growth phase. This interruption leads to the premature transition of hair follicles into the resting phase (telogen), causing hair to fall out. 

Unpredictable Course 

The course of alopecia areata is highly unpredictable. Hair loss can occur suddenly and regrow on its own within a few months. However, in some cases, hair loss may persist or recur, leading to more extensive areas of baldness. The regrowth of hair can also be unpredictable, with variations in texture, color, and thickness. 

Telogen Effluvium 

Telogen effluvium is a type of hair loss characterized by excessive shedding of hair. It occurs when there is a disruption in the hair growth cycle, specifically during the telogen phase when hair is in the resting phase before naturally falling out. 

Hair Growth Cycle 

Understanding the hair growth cycle is essential to comprehend telogen effluvium. The cycle consists of three phases: anagen (growth phase), catagen (transitional phase), and telogen (resting phase). In the telogen phase, hair follicles are in a state of rest before shedding and being replaced by new hair. 

Excessive Hair Shedding

Telogen effluvium occurs when a larger number of hair follicles prematurely enter the telogen phase and shed hair. This can result in a noticeable increase in hair shedding, leading to thinning of the hair and a decrease in overall hair density.  

Triggers and Causes 

Telogen effluvium can be triggered by various factors, including physical or emotional stress, hormonal changes (such as childbirth or hormonal imbalances), illness or surgery, certain medications, rapid weight loss, and chronic medical conditions. These triggers disrupt the normal hair growth cycle and shift hair follicles into the telogen phase prematurely.  

Reversible Nature 

One positive aspect of telogen effluvium is that it is typically a temporary condition. Once the underlying trigger is addressed or resolved, the hair follicles reenter the anagen phase and resume normal hair growth. Hair regrowth usually occurs within a few months, but the timeline can vary depending on the individual and underlying cause. 

Traction Alopecia 

Traction alopecia is a specific type of hair loss caused by prolonged or repeated tension and pulling on the hair follicles. It commonly occurs due to certain hairstyling practices that put excessive stress on the hair, leading to damage and hair loss. 

Hairstyling Practices 

Traction alopecia is often associated with hairstyles that involve pulling the hair tightly, such as tight ponytails, braids, buns, weaves, cornrows, and extensions. These styles create constant tension on the hair and can lead to damage over time. 

Hair Follicle Damage 

The constant pulling and tension caused by tight hairstyles can damage the hair follicles. This can result in inflammation, and scarring, and eventually lead to the hair follicles becoming unable to produce new hair. 

Location of Hair Loss

Traction alopecia typically affects the areas of the scalp where the tension is exerted, such as the hairline, temples, and areas where clips or hair accessories are frequently used. In severe cases, it can spread to other parts of the scalp. 

Symptoms and Signs

In the early stages of traction alopecia, individuals may notice hair breakage, thinning, or small bald patches in the affected areas. Itching, redness, and tenderness of the scalp can also occur. If left untreated, the hair loss can become more extensive and permanent. 

Risk Factors 

Anyone who regularly engages in tight hairstyling practices is at risk of developing traction alopecia. This condition is more common among individuals with tightly coiled or curly hair, as the hair texture is more prone to damage and breakage. 


Underlying Causes of Hair Loss 

Hormonal Imbalances 

Hormonal imbalances can contribute to various types of hair loss. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating the hair growth cycle, and any disruption or imbalance can affect hair follicles’ health and function. Here are some hormonal imbalances that can lead to hair loss: 

  • Androgens: Androgens, including testosterone and its derivative dihydrotestosterone (DHT), can contribute to hair loss. In individuals genetically susceptible to androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness), hair follicles become sensitive to DHT. This hormone binds to receptors in the hair follicles, causing them to shrink and produce thinner, shorter hairs. Over time, this can lead to the miniaturization of hair follicles and eventual hair loss. 
  • Thyroid Hormone Imbalance: Both an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) and an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle. In hypothyroidism, hair loss may be diffuse and more widespread, while hyperthyroidism can lead to hair thinning. The thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, and alterations n thyroid function can impact hair growth. 
  • Estrogen and Progesterone Imbalance: Fluctuations or imbalances in estrogen and progesterone levels, commonly experienced during pregnancy, menopause, or due to certain medical conditions, can influence hair growth. Postpartum hair loss, for example, occurs as hormone levels normalize after childbirth. Estrogen dominance or low levels of estrogen and progesterone can also contribute to hair loss. 
  • Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome: Insulin resistance, a condition associated with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, can lead to hormonal imbalances that impact hair health. Elevated insulin levels and inflammation can affect androgen metabolism and contribute to hair thinning and hair loss. 
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a hormonal disorder characterized by elevated androgen levels, insulin resistance, and ovulatory dysfunction. The hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS, including increased levels of testosterone and DHT, can cause hair thinning or male-pattern hair loss in women. 
  • Adrenal Gland Disorders: Disorders affecting the adrenal glands, such as Cushing’s syndrome or adrenal insufficiency, can disrupt hormone production and result in hair loss. Cushing’s syndrome, characterized by high cortisol levels, can cause hair thinning and fragility. 

Nutritional Deficiencies 

Nutritional deficiencies can play a role in hair loss, as proper nutrition is essential for healthy hair growth. Insufficient intake or absorption of certain nutrients can impact the hair follicles’ health and disrupt the hair growth cycle. Here are some nutritional deficiencies that can contribute to hair loss: 

  • Iron Deficiency: Iron is crucial for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body’s tissues, including the hair follicles. Iron deficiency anemia can lead to reduced oxygen supply to the hair follicles, resulting in hair thinning and shedding. 
  • Vitamin D Deficiency: Vitamin D is involved in hair follicle cycling and plays a role in maintaining healthy hair growth. A deficiency in vitamin D can contribute to hair loss and thinning. Adequate exposure to sunlight and consumption of vitamin D-rich foods or supplements are important for maintaining optimal levels. 
  • B-Vitamin Deficiency: B vitamins, including biotin, niacin, and cobalamin, are essential for hair health. Biotin deficiency, although rare, can cause brittle hair and hair loss. Insufficient intake or absorption of other B vitamins can also impact hair growth and contribute to hair loss. 
  • Zinc Deficiency: Zinc is involved in various biological processes, including hair follicle health and protein synthesis. Inadequate zinc levels can lead to hair thinning and hair loss. 
  • Protein Deficiency: Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin. Inadequate protein intake can affect hair growth, resulting in weaker and more brittle hair, leading to increased hair loss. 
  • Essential Fatty Acids Deficiency: Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, play a role in maintaining scalp health and promoting hair growth. Insufficient intake of these essential fatty acids can contribute to dry scalp, brittle hair, and hair loss.

Lifestyles and Environmental Factors 

Lifestyle and environmental factors can also contribute to hair loss. While these factors may not directly cause hair loss, they can impact overall hair health and exacerbate existing conditions. Here are some lifestyle and environmental factors that can influence hair loss: 

  • Poor Nutrition: A diet lacking essential nutrients can affect hair health and contribute to hair loss. Inadequate intake of protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats can weaken the hair follicles and lead to thinning and shedding. 
  • Excessive Styling and Heat: Excessive use of heat styling tools (such as flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers) and harsh hairstyling practices (like tight ponytails, braids, and extensions) can cause damage to the hair shaft and weaken the hair, leading to breakage and hair loss over time. 
  • Overprocessing and Chemical Treatments: Frequent use of hair dyes, chemical relaxers, perms, and other harsh chemical treatments can damage the hair follicles and contribute to hair loss. These treatments can weaken the hair shaft, disrupt the hair growth cycle, and cause breakage. 
  • Tension and Trauma: Constant pulling and tension on the hair, such as from tight hairstyles, hair extensions, or hair accessories, can lead to a condition called traction alopecia. This can cause hair loss in the areas where the tension is exerted. 
  • Smoking: Smoking has been associated with hair loss and premature graying. The toxic chemicals in cigarettes can damage the hair follicles, reduce blood circulation to the scalp, and contribute to oxidative stress, which can accelerate hair aging and hair loss. 
  • Environmental Pollution: Exposure to environmental pollutants, such as air pollution, can have a negative impact on hair health. Pollutants and toxins in the air can accumulate on the scalp and hair, leading to inflammation, scalp conditions, and hair damage. 
  • Stress and Anxiety: Chronic stress and anxiety can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to hair loss. Stress triggers hormonal changes, increases inflammation, and can contribute to conditions like telogen effluvium or trichotillomania, which can cause hair shedding or hair pulling.
  • UV Radiation: Prolonged exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation can damage the hair cuticles, leading to dryness, brittleness, and breakage. It’s important to protect the hair and scalp from excessive sun exposure by wearing hats or using sunscreen for the scalp.

Schedule your Hair Loss Consultation at SkinDC today!

Debunking the Top 10 Dermal Filler Myths

What are Dermal Fillers? 

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected into the skin to restore lost volume, enhance facial contours, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. They are commonly used in cosmetic procedures to rejuvenate the face and provide a more youthful appearance. 

The most common component of dermal fillers is hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps add volume to the face and lifts the skin. These fillers work by replacing the volume that we lose with age, restoring a youthful facial contour.


What are Dermal Fillers Used For? 

Wrinkle Reduction 

Dermal fillers can be used for wrinkle reduction by filling in the lines and creases on the skin’s surface. There are different types of wrinkles, and dermal fillers can effectively target certain types:

  • Static Wrinkles: These are wrinkles that are present even when the face is at rest. Dermal fillers can be injected into these lines to fill them in and make them less noticeable. Common areas for static wrinkle treatment include the nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, and vertical lip lines. 

Lip Augmentation 

Dermal fillers are commonly used for lip augmentation to enhance the size, shape, and definition of the lips. They can provide a fuller and more balanced appearance to the lips, creating a more youthful and attractive look. Lip augmentation with dermal fillers is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help address various concerts, including: 

  • Thin Lips: Some individuals naturally have thin lips or experience age-related volume loss in the lips. Dermal fillers can be used to add volume and plump up the lips, making them appear fuller and more prominent. 
  • Lip Asymmetry: Many people have lips that are uneven or asymmetrical in shape. Dermal fillers can be strategically injected to balance and improve the symmetry of the lips, creating a more harmonious appearance. 
  • Lip Contour and Definition: Dermal fillers can enhance the contours of the lips, defining the borders and creating a more defined Cupid’s bow (the double curve in the middle of the upper lip). This can enhance the overall shape and attractiveness of the lips. 
  • Vertical Lip Lines: Over time, vertical lines may develop on the lips, also known as smoker’s lines or lipstick lines. Dermal fillers can be used to fill in these lines and smooth out the lip surface, reducing their appearance.  

Facial Contouring 

Dermal fillers are commonly used for facial contouring to enhance or restore volume in specific areas of the face, creating more balanced and defined facial features. Facial contouring with dermal fillers can help address various concerns, including: 

  • Cheek Augmentation: Dermal fillers can be used to add volume to the cheeks, creating a more lifted and youthful appearance. By enhancing the cheekbones and restoring lost volume, fillers can improve facial symmetry and provide a more sculpted look. 
  • Temple Enhancement: As we age, the temples can lose volume and appear hollow. Dermal fillers can be injected into this area to restore volume and create a smoother transition between the forehead and the cheeks. 
  • Chin Augmentation: Fillers can be used to add definition and projection to a weak or receding chin, improving the balance and proportion of the face. This non-surgical chin augmentation can help achieve a more harmonious facial profile. 
  • Jawline Enhancement: Dermal fillers can be strategically injected along the jawline to provide better definition and contouring. This can help create a more defined and chiseled jawline, enhancing the overall shape of the face. 

Scar Revision

Dermal fillers can be used for scar revision to help improve the appearance of certain types of scars. While fillers cannot completely eliminate scars, they can help minimize their visibility by filling in the depressed or hollowed areas, making the scar less noticeable. Dermal fillers can be effective for the following types of scars:

  • Acne Scars: Dermal fillers can be used to fill in atrophic or depressed acne scars, such as ice-pick scars, rolling scars, or boxcar scars. By injecting fillers into these scars, the depressed areas can be raised, making the skin surface smoother and improving the overall texture of the skin. 


10 Common Myths about Dermal Fillers 

#1 All Dermal Fillers are the Same 

This is a common misconception, but it is important to understand that all dermal fillers are not the same. There are various types of dermal fillers available, and they differ in composition, properties, and applications. Here are some key points to consider: 

  • Composition: Dermal fillers can be made of different substances, such as hyaluronic acid (HA), calcium hydroxylapatite, poly-L-lactic acid, or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres. Each filler type has its unique properties and characteristics. 
  • Mode of Action: Different fillers work in distinct ways. For example, HA fillers attract and retain water to add volume, while calcium hydroxylapatite stimulates collagen production for long-term results. 
  • Durability: The longevity of results varies among different fillers. Some may last six to twelve months, while others can provide results for a year or more. The durability depends on factors like composition, injected area, and individual metabolism.
  • Specialized Applications: Certain fillers are specifically designed for particular areas or concerns. For example, Volux is a filler specifically designed for chin and jawline areas.

#2 Dermal Fillers Will Make Me Look Like a Different Person

While this is a widespread misconception about dermal fillers, it is important to understand that when administered by a skilled and experienced healthcare professional, dermal fillers are intended to enhance your natural features rather than completely change your appearance. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Subtle Enhancement: The goal of dermal fillers is typically to provide subtle and natural-looking results. Skilled practitioners aim to achieve a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance while preserving your unique facial characteristics. They work with you to understand your aesthetic goals and tailor the treatment accordingly. 
  • Individualized Treatment: Dermal filler treatments are highly customizable. The amount of filler used and the injection technique can be adjusted to achieve the desired outcome. A reputable practitioner will consider your facial proportions, symmetry, and overall harmony to ensure the results are balanced and natural-looking. 
  • Gradual Adjustment: At SkinDC, we focus on a conservative approach during the initial treatment. This approach allows for careful monitoring of the results and ensures that the outcome is in line with the patient’s expectations. 
  • Facial Harmony: Our skilled injectors have a deep understanding of facial anatomy and strive to enhance facial harmony. They consider the balance between different features, such as the lips, cheeks, and jawline, to achieve a cohesive and balanced result. The goal is to bring out your best features and create a more youthful appearance without drastically altering your overall look. 

#3 Dermal Fillers and Neurotoxins are the Same

It is important to understand that dermal fillers and neurotoxins are two distinct types of cosmetic treatments with different mechanisms of action and applications. Here are the key points to consider in debunking this myth:

  • Composition and Mechanism of Action: Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected into the skin to restore volume and add structure. Neurotoxins, on the other hand, work by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles. They block nerve signals, preventing the muscles from contracting and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, particularly those caused by facial expressions. 
  • Primary Applications: Dermal fillers are primarily used for adding volume, enhancing contours, and reducing the appearance of deep folds. Neurotoxins are primarily used to address dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movements, such as forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines. 
  • Targeted Areas: Dermal fillers are commonly used in various areas of the face, including the cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines. Neurotoxins are typically used in specific regions of the face, such as the foreheads, around the eyes, and between the eyebrows, where muscle contractions contribute to dynamic wrinkles. 
  • Longevity and Maintenance: The effects of dermal fillers generally last several months to a year or more, depending on the type of filler used. Neurotoxins typically provide results that last around three to four months. 

#4 Getting Dermal Fillers is a Plastic Surgery Procedure that Requires Ample Downtime

Dermal filler treatments are minimally invasive and typically do not require extensive downtime. These injections are non-surgical treatments performed in the office. Unlike invasive plastic surgery procedures, dermal filler treatments generally require minimal downtime. Most individuals can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure. One of the benefits of dermal fillers is that results are often visible immediately after the treatment. You can see the initial effects of increased volume or improved contours right away, although there may be some initial swelling that can temporarily affect the final result. 

#5 The Filler will Stretch out the Skin 

This is a common misconception and you are not alone if you have ever wondered this. The truth is when dermal fillers are done correctly by an experienced injector, they add volume to restore a youthful facial contour. Dermal fillers also stimulate fibroblasts which results in increased collagen and elastic production. This leads to decreased skin laxity and your skin is less likely to sag. Once your body absorbs the filler, skin laxity will return to its previous condition. 

#6 Dermal Filler is Permanent and Irreversible

No, dermal fillers that SkinDC uses are not permanent and irreversible. Dermal fillers are designed to be temporary in nature. The duration of the effects varies depending on factors such as the type of filler used, the area treated, and individual factors such as metabolism and lifestyle. Generally, the effects of dermal fillers can last anywhere from several months to a year or more. HA fillers, those made with hyaluronic acid, can often be partially or completely reversed if necessary. An enzyme called hyaluronidase can be injected to break down the HA filler, allowing it to be dissolved and reabsorbed by the body. This provides some level of flexibility and control over the results. 

#7 Dermal Fillers Can Replace a Surgical Facelift

Although fillers are a great way to add volume and can help with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, they cannot replace the results of facelift surgery. Facelifts are best for patients with severe laxity. They tighten and remove excess tissue and sagging skin. Furthermore, dermal filler results only last 6 to 18 months, but facelift surgery results can last 10 or more years. 

#8 Once You Start, You Can’t Stop 

It is not true that once you start receiving dermal fillers, you are obligated to continue indefinitely. Dermal fillers offer temporary results, and it is entirely up to you to decide whether to continue with the treatments. The duration of the results from your filler varies depending on the type of filler used, the treatment area, and individual factors. Over time, the filler gradually breaks down and is absorbed by the body, leading to a return to your pre-treatment appearance. 

#9 Fillers are Dangerous and Have Many Side Effects 

While all medical procedures carry some degree of risk, dermal fillers, when administered by qualified professionals, are generally considered safe and have a low risk of significant side effects. All of the fillers available at SkinDC are FDA-approved, which means they have undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy. These fillers have demonstrated a reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness 

#10 Anyone can Perform Dermal Filler Injections

There are many spas, physicians, nurses, and dentists that are now offering dermal fillers. However, the truth is that it takes an experienced injector to give patients optimal results while maintaining safety protocols. SkinDC’s master injectors continue their education and training to make sure each patient receives the highest level of care and natural-looking beautiful results. 

Schedule your cosmetic consultation with one of our providers today to see if dermal fillers are right for you!  

Acne 101: Types and Treatments

What is Acne?

According to the National Institute of Skin Diseases, acne is a common skin condition that happens when hair follicles under the skin become clogged. Sebum – the oil that helps skin from drying out – and dead skin cells plug the pores, leading to lesions outbreaks, commonly called pimples or zits. Acne can vary in severity, ranging from mild, occasional breakouts to more severe forms, such as cystic acne, which involves deep, painful, painful nodules or cysts. It can have physical and emotional effects, including scarring, low self-esteem, and social anxiety. However, effective treatments are available to manage and control acne. 


Who Suffers from Acne?

Acne can affect individuals of all ages and genders, but it is most commonly associated with teenagers going through puberty. It is estimated that around 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 experience some form of acne. However, acne can persist into adulthood and even develop for the first time in adulthood. 

It is important to note that acne is not limited to a specific gender or ethnic group. Both males and females can experience acne. Acne can occur on the face, chest, back, shoulders, and other areas where there are oil glands and hair follicles. 


Major Causes of Acne

Acne is caused by a combination of factors, and the exact cause can vary from person to person. 

Excess Oil Production

The sebaceous glands in the skin produce an oily substance called sebum. Excessive production of sebum can contribute to clogged pores and acne development. 

Clogged Hair Follicles 

When dead skin cells and sebum accumulate, they can block the hair follicles, leading to the formation of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and providing an environment for bacteria to thrive. 

Bacterial Activity 

The bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, which is normally found on the skin, can multiply in clogged hair follicles and trigger inflammation, leading to the development of inflammatory acne lesions. 

Hormonal Factors 

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly during puberty, menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause, can influence oil gland activity and contribute to acne breakouts. Androgens (male hormones) can stimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum. 


The immune system responds to bacterial activity in the clogged hair follicles, leading to inflammation. Inflammation can cause redness, swelling, and the formation of pimples or cysts. 


Acne can have a genetic component, meaning that if your parents or close relatives had acne, you may be more prone to developing it. 

Certain Medications 

Some medications, such as corticosteroids, androgenic steroids, and certain anticonvulsants, may contribute to acne development as a side effect. 


While stress itself doesn’t directly cause acne, it can exacerbate existing acne or contribute to hormonal imbalances that can trigger breakouts. 

Skincare and Cosmetic Products 

Certain skincare products or cosmetics that are comedogenic (tend to clog pores) or irritating to the skin can worsen acne in some individuals. 


The role of diet in acne is still not fully understood, but some studies suggest that high glycemic index foods, dairy products, and diets rich in processed foods and unhealthy fats may contribute to acne development in some individuals. 


What are the Different Types of Acne?


Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, appear as small, flesh-colored, or white bumps on the skin’s surface. They occur when a hair follicle becomes clogged with oil and dead skin cells, causing a closed plug. Whiteheads are generally non-inflammatory and can be treated with gentle exfoliation, topical acne medications, and a consistent skincare routine to prevent further clogging of pores. 


Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are a type of acne blemish characterized by small, dark, or black bumps on the skin’s surface. They occur when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, forming an open plug. The dark color of blackheads is not due to dirt but is caused by the oxidation of melanin (skin pigment) when exposed to air. It is important to avoid squeezing or picking at blackheads, as it can lead to inflammation and potential scarring. 


Papules are a type of acne lesion that appear as small, raised, red or pink bumps on the skin. They typically do not have a visible center or contain pus. Papules occur when the walls of the hair follicles rupture due to inflammation caused by clogged pores. They are mild to moderate forms of acne and can be tender to the touch. 


Pustules are a type of acne lesion characterized by raised, inflamed, and pu-filled bumps on the skin. They typically have a red base with a visible white or yellowish center. Pustules form when the hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, leading to an immune response and the accumulation of pus. They can be painful and may be accompanied by inflammation. 


Nodules are a severe form of acne that appear as large, solid, and painful bumps beneath the skin’s surface. They are deeper and more severe than papules and pustules. Nodules develop when the hair follicles become severely clogged with oils, dead skin cells, and bacteria, leading to deep inflammation and infection. They are typically firm, deep-rooted lumps that do not come to a head and can cause significant discomfort. 


Cysts are a severe and often painful form of acne that manifests as large, fluid-filled lesions beneath the skin’s surface. They are deep, inflammatory nodules that can be filled with pus or a semi-liquid substance. Cysts are typically larger than other types of acne and can cause significant discomfort and scarring. They develop when the hair follicles become severely blocked, leading to a rupture of the follicle wall and a deeper inflammation. 

Cystic-Nodular Acne

Cystic-nodular acne is a severe and debilitating form of acne that combines the characteristics of cysts and nodules. It is characterized by large, deep, painful lesions that are filled with fluid, pus, or a combination of both. The affected areas may appear swollen and inflamed and often leave deep scars. 

Acne Conglobata

Acne conglobata is an uncommon and severe form of acne that is characterized by interconnected nodules and abscesses on the skin. It often affects the chest, back, and buttocks. This condition is marked by extensive inflammation, deep-rooted lesions, and the formation of large, interconnected nodules that can discharge foul-smelling pus. 


Acne and Mental Health 

Acne can have a significant impact on mental health and well-being. The visible nature of acne lesions on the face and other prominent areas can lead to feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment, and low self-esteem. Acne-related stress and anxiety can affect social interactions, leading to social isolation and withdrawal. Individuals with acne may experience a negative body image and feelings of depression, as they may perceive their appearance as unattractive or flawed. 

Acne’s impact on mental health can be particularly pronounced during adolescence, a time when self-image and social acceptance are crucial. It is important to recognize the psychological effects of acne and provide support and understanding to those affected. Seeking professional help from dermatologists and mental health professionals can be beneficial in managing both the physical and emotional aspects of acne. 


Lifestyle Changes to Help Acne

Making certain lifestyle changes can play a role in managing acne. Here are five lifestyle changes that can help improve acne:

  • Maintain a Consistent Skincare Routine: Establishing a gentle and consistent skincare routine can help keep your skin clean and free from excess oil and debris. Use non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) products and avoid harsh scrubbing, which can irritate the skin and worsen acne.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: While the link between diet and acne is still being studied, adopting a balanced diet can benefit overall skin health. Limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages. Some individuals may find that certain foods trigger their acne, so paying attention to potential dietary triggers and adjusting accordingly can be helpful. 
  • Manage Stress: Chronic stress can exacerbate acne breakouts. Engage in stress-reducing activities such as exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies that you enjoy. Prioritize self-care and make time for activities that help you relax and unwind. 
  • Avoid Touching or Picking at Your Skin: Touching your face frequently or picking at acne lesions can introduce bacteria and worsen inflammation and scarring. Keep your hands away from your face, and avoid squeezing or popping pimples. 
  • Get Sufficient Sleep and Exercise: Adequate sleep and regular exercise can contribute to overall well-being and skin health. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night and incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Exercise can improve blood circulation, reduce stress, and promote healthy skin. 


When to See a Dermatologist 

It is advisable to see a dermatologist for acne in the following situations: 

  • Persistent or Severe Acne: If over-the-counter treatments have been ineffective in managing your acne or if your acne is severe and causing significant distress or scarring, it is recommended to consultant a dermatologist for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate treatment. 
  • Acne that Doesn’t Respond to Treatment: If you have been diligently following a skincare routine and using recommended acne treatments for several weeks without improvement, a dermatologist can provide a more tailored approach and prescribe stronger medications or therapies. 
  • Painful or Inflamed Acne: If your acne is causing pain, discomfort, or inflammation, especially if it forms deep nodules, cysts, or pustules, a dermatologist can help manage the inflammation and prevent potential complications. 
  • Psychological Impact: If acne is significantly affecting your self-esteem, confidence, or overall mental well-being, seeking professional help from a dermatologist who can address both the physical and emotional aspects of acne is important. 
  • Potential Scarring: If you have a history of acne scarring or are at a higher risk for scarring due to the severity of your acne, a dermatologist can provide appropriate interventions to minimize scarring and promote skin healing. 
  • Special Circumstances: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and experiencing acne, it is important to consult with a dermatologist who can recommend safe treatment options. Additionally, if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications that may be influencing your acne, a dermatologist can help navigate the complexities and find suitable solutions.  

Acne Treatments 

Skincare Products 

Skincare products can be effective in managing acne when used appropriately. Here are some key points to consider when using skincare products to help acne:

  • Look for Non-Comedogenic Products: Non-comedogenic products are specifically formulated to not clog pores and are suitable for acne-prone skin. They can help prevent further breakouts by allowing the skin to breathe and reducing the risk of pore blockage. 
  • Choose Products with Acne-Fighting Ingredients: Look for skincare products that contain active ingredients known for their acne-fighting properties. These may include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, or tea tree oil. 
  • Follow a Gentle Cleansing Routine: Proper cleansing is essential for acne-prone skin. Use a mild, non-irritating cleanser twice a day to remove excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. Avoid harsh scrubbing or beaded scrubs, as it can aggravate acne and cause further inflammation. 
  • Moisturize Appropriately: Contrary to popular belief, moisturizing is still important even for acne-prone skin. Choose oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizers that provide hydration without clogging the pores. Moisturizing helps maintain the skin’s natural barrier function and prevents excessive dryness that can trigger more oil production. 
  • Use Sun Protection: Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial, even if you have acne. Look for oil-free, non-comedogenic sunscreens with a broad-spectrum SPF or 30 or higher. Sunscreen helps prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and protects the skin from potential damage caused by sun exposure. 
  • Be Patient and Consistent: Skincare products take time to work, and results may not be immediate. Consistency is key. Follow the instructions provided with each product and give them an adequate trial period before expecting significant improvements. It is also important to introduce new products gradually to monitor how your skin reacts and to avoid overwhelming the skin with multiple new products at once. 

Prescription Medication 

Prescription medications are often necessary for managing moderate to severe acne. Prescription medication for acne typically fall into three main categories: topical, oral, and hormonal treatments. Topical medications, such as retinoids, antibiotics, or combination creams, are applied directly to the skin to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and control acne-causing bacteria. Oral medications, like antibiotics or isotretinoin (Accutane), work from within the body to target bacteria, regulate oil production, and reduce inflammation. Hormonal treatments, such as oral contraceptives (birth control pills) or anti-androgen medications, help balance hormones that can contribute to acne in certain individuals. These medications may be used alone or in combination, depending on the severity and underlying causes of acne. 

AviClear Laser Treatment 

AviClear is the first and only FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild to severe acne. This treatment provides long-term, effective improvements of acne across all skin types. AviClear uses the power of laser light to treat acne at the source by selectively targeting and suppressing the sebaceous oil gland safely and effectively. Clinical trials demonstrate that current and future breakout episodes are shorter, less intense, and more infrequent following the AviClear procedure. Further, acne clearance results continue to improve over time, demonstrating the long-term efficacy of this novel treatment. 

Schedule a FREE AviClear Consultation Now!

Get Wedding Ready with SkinDC

Love is in the air, and wedding bells are ringing! The anticipation, the excitement, and the sheer joy that comes with preparing for your wedding day are simply unparalleled. As the spotlight shines on you and your partner, there’s no doubt that you want to look and feel your absolute best as you walk down the aisle, ready to embark on a lifelong journey of love and togetherness. 

SkinDC is the one-stop destination for all your wedding aesthetic needs as you prepare for your big day. So, tag along as we walk down the timeline of your aesthetic journey to your perfect wedding day. 


6 to 12 Months Out 

Body Contouring 

CoolSculpting Round 1 

Your wedding day is fast approaching, and along with the excitement, you may have started considering ways to achieve your ideal wedding-ready physique. If you’re looking for a non-invasive, effective, and time-efficient method to sculpt your body, CoolSculpting might be the answer you’ve been searching for. 

What makes CoolSculpting particularly appealing in the context of wedding preparation is its ability to selectively target problem areas that have been resistant to traditional diet and exercise. The CoolSculpting treatment is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental (under the chin) and submandibular (under the jawline) areas, inner thighs, outer thighs, above the knee, the abdomen, and flanks (which includes the bra line and back), as well as underneath the buttocks, and the upper arms. After you have received your treatment, the earliest you will notice changes is four to six weeks. Eight weeks is the typical time that a patient will notice the change from the treatment.

With CoolSculpting as your ally, you can confidently walk down the aisle, knowing that you’ve sculpted the body you’ve always envisioned and prepared yourself to shine radiantly on your wedding day. 

Cellulite Treatment 

As you plan your wedding and envision yourself in that stunning gown or dapper suit, achieving smooth and flawless skin becomes a top priority. If you’re looking to address the common concern of cellulite and enhance the appearance of your skin, Aveli cellulite treatment might just be the secret weapon in your wedding prep arsenal. 

Aveli is a new procedure that recognizes the complex underlying structural cause of cellulite dimples – bands called ‘septa’ that pull down on the dermis. Aveli releases the culprit septa and allows our doctors to confirm the release in real time, removing the guesswork! In a single in-office procedure at SkinDC, we can deliver visibly smoother skin for a wide range of women with cellulite dimples. 

Acne Treatment

AviClear is the first and only FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild to severe acne. This treatment provides long-term, effective improvements of acne across all skin types. AviClear uses the power of laser light to treat acne at the source by selectively targeting and suppressing the sebaceous oil gland safely and effectively. The device is designed with patient comfort in mind and is enhanced with AviCool contact cooling for an optimal and safe treatment experience. 

To understand how AviClear works, it is important to understand how breakouts happen. Acne forms when sebum, the oily substance on your skin, combines with dead skin cells and clogs your pores. Most acne treatments target other things that cause acne, but not the production of sebum. Topical therapies yield temporary results and oral medications present several challenges. AviClear offers patients a safe, well-tolerated, drug-free approach with durable results. 

Clinical trials demonstrate that current and future breakout episodes are shorter, less intense, and more infrequent following the AviClear procedure. Further, acne clearance results continue to improve over time, demonstrating the long-term efficacy of this novel treatment. 87% of patients treated with AviClear saw at least half of their acne resolve at six months following their final treatment. 

Laser Hair Removal

For individuals who desire to acquire smooth, hair-free skin, laser hair removal can be a helpful part of wedding preparation. Numerous sessions, usually separated by a few weeks, are often needed for laser hair removal. As a result, it is critical to start the procedure well in advance to give yourself enough time to finish the advised amount of sessions. 

A concentrated beam of light is directed into the hair follicles during a laser hair removal procedure. The hair’s pigment absorbs light, which causes heat to be produced and harms the follicle. Future hair development is inhibited or delayed by this injury. Laser hair removal is commonly used to target areas such as the face, legs, underarms, the bikini line, back, and chest.

Laser Tattoo Removal 

Tattoo removal can also be a part of the wedding preparation for those who wish to remove or fade unwanted tattoos before their special day. Tattoo removal is a process that typically requires multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart. It’s important to begin the removal process well in advance to allow for sufficient time to complete the recommended number of treatments and to give your skin time to heal between sessions. 

At SkinDC we use the PicoWay Tattoo Removal Laser. This laser uses picosecond technology, which offers the most innovative laser tattoo removal technology. Compared with the nanosecond technology of the past, today’s ultra-fast picosecond laser removal technology offers less risk and pain, faster results, a broader range of colors removed, and fewer treatment sessions. PicoWay utilizes two laser wavelengths. The option of dual-wavelength also means that multi-colored tattoos can be treated, which is not the case with traditional tattoo removal lasers. 

Skin Discoloration Laser Treatments 

BroadBand Light (BBL) Laser 

The BBL BroadBand Light Treatment uses broadband light to reduce background redness and the appearance of brown spots on the skin. The BBL device emits broad-spectrum photothermal energy, which absorbs brown pigment (melanin) in the skin and the hemoglobin in blood vessels that cause redness. At SkinDC, we find that BBL is best at treating the discoloration that develops with chronic sun damage. It minimizes the appearance of sun damage, brown spots, freckles, and background diffuse redness in order to even out skin tone. 

During the treatment, the light energy delivered by the BBL will gently heat melanin and hemoglobin in the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will lead to the removal of excess pigment and blood vessels. The BBL BroadBand Light Treatment is the key to keeping your natural youthful skin by making it clearer, more vibrant, and younger looking. 

PicoWay Resolve Resurfacing Laser 

The PicoWay Resolve Resurfacing laser is an effective, non-invasive device that stimulates collagen growth and encourages cell turnover, leaving the patient with younger-looking skin. This laser works differently than a lot of other lasers. PicoWay Resolve uses very targeted and short pulses measured in picoseconds (or a trillionth of a second). These ultra-short pulses are focused leading to a “photoacoustic” effect, which avoids heating the skin that most resurfacing This treatment can be used on all skin types and tones. The PicoWay Resolve stimulates new collagen which improves the appearance of acne scars, pore size, fine lines, and skin texture overall. 

3 to 6 Months 

Body Contouring 

CoolSculpting Round 2 

Getting a second round of CoolSculpting can be important to help you reach your body contouring goals. Each round of CoolSculpting eliminates 20 to 25 percent of fat. While some individuals will be satisfied after a single session, most people require two treatments for their desired outcome. 

The first round of CoolSculpting can primarily focus on reducing the outermost layer of fat cells. The second round can then target deeper layers of fat that the treatment could not get to during the initial round. This approach helps to avoid irregular contours or areas of uneven fat distribution. 

Laser Treatments 

Halo Resurfacing Laser 

The Halo resurfacing laser is a fractional resurfacing laser. This laser treatment is unique in that it delivers both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths of light, delivering the benefits of aggressive treatment with recovery times more in line with non-ablative treatment. The hybrid nature of the Halo system approximates two types of treatment within a single session. Deep tissue rejuvenation is triggered while mild ablation resurfaces the epidermis. 

This treatment can improve freckles, sun damage, age spots, fine lines, deeper wrinkles, and a general reduction in skin color uniformity. The resulting smoothness of post-treatment pigmentation provides a dramatically younger-looking result for many patients. 

Vascular Laser

The Vbeam vascular laser delivers an intense burst of yellow light to your skin. This light is specifically absorbed by the blood vessels in your skin. When these blood vessels are heated, they coagulate and are then reabsorbed by your body. The laser helps less or even eliminate the appearance of pink and red spots and patches on the skin. 

The Vbeam vascular laser is a pulsed dye laser that is the gold standard for the treatment of many conditions that have an underlying vascular blood vessel cause. These conditions include rosacea, spider veins, new red scars, acne scars, red birthmarks, port wine stains, angiomas, and uneven coloring of the neck. 


Filler Treatments 

Fillers, such as Juvederm, Restylane, and Volux, are made of hyaluronic acid, a sugar molecule that is naturally occurring in the body. When you think of fillers, think of volume. There are different types of hyaluronic acid fillers with options that can be used anywhere on the face. The most common areas treated include the nasolabial folds, cheeks, and lips. 

The nice thing about fillers is that they last. The longevity depends on the types of filler, where it is injected, and how your own body metabolizes it. It is best to come in three to six months before your wedding day, so that you have enough time to get used to how the filler looks and feels, and touch-ups can be done if needed. 

Neurotoxin Injections 

Neurotoxin injections change or soften muscle movement, reducing and even preventing the formation of lines and wrinkles. They prevent the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that all nerve fibers need in order to trigger muscle movement. 

While neurotoxins are most commonly known for their wrinkle, smoothing benefits, they can be used to help remodel muscles in the face. It can also be used to make pores appear smaller, create the appearance of a lifted brow and slim the jawline. 

It is a good idea to start neurotoxin injections around six months before your wedding. You will want to have enough time to complete a few sessions to get comfortable with how it looks and feels so that one of our providers can discuss the best areas to treat and the amount you need to achieve your desired outcome. 

1 to 3 Months Out 

Underarm Sweat Reduction

Underarm sweat reduction with Botox, known as hyperhidrosis treatment, is a commonly used procedure to help manage excessive sweating in the underarm area. Botox temporarily stops the nerve signals that trigger the sweat glands when injected into the underarm. This lessens excessive sweating by preventing sweat glands in the treated area from producing perspiration. Typically, the results of Botox for sweat reduction last four to six months. 

Skin Resurfacing Treatments 


Also referred to as collagen induction therapy, microneedling uses very fine needles to create equally fine channels through the surface layer of the skin. Even though the body loses collagen at a rate of about 1% per year after a person reaches their mid-20s, the body’s ability to create new collagen remains. It stays dormant until an injury causes a healing response. Microneedling can help improve the appearance and texture of your skin. It can also minimize stretch marks, scars, wrinkles, and other skin concerns. 

Esthetician Services

HydraFacialMD Facial

The HydraFacial is the only treatment that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, brighter, and smoother skin. This treatment provides the results of a microdermabrasion, chemical peel, and a deep-cleansing facial combined. It also improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, acne, and hyperpigmentation. The HydraFacial is very customizable, so it is appropriate for all skin types including sensitive or acne-prone skin. 

DiamondGlow Facial 

Unlike traditional wet facial treatments, which rely on chemical exfoliation to treat skin at the surface level, DiamondGlow’s patented recessed diamond tip wand delivers a next-level resurfacing treatment that deeply cleans and rejuvenates the skin. DiamondGlow is an advanced non-invasive treatment that provides instant results for improved tone and texture with no downtime. The DiamondGlow facial improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, acne, and hyperpigmentation.


1 Month Out 

Neurotoxin Injections

Three to four weeks from your wedding day, it is time to get your Neurotoxin injections again! This allows for the injections to set in and leaves time for any touch-ups you may need before your big day!


Wedding Week 


The week of your wedding is the perfect time for your last facial, whether it is a HydraFacial or a DiamondGlow. This way your skin will be smooth, well-hydrated, and glowing on your big day. 


A scalpel is used during the cosmetic process known as “dermaplaning” to scrape off the top layers of dead skin cells, peach fuzz, and dirt on the face and neck. This treatment can aid in lessening the appearance of pores, fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scarring. Dermaplaning also makes it easier to apply makeup, reduces the likelihood of clogged pores, and gives you an incredible glow. 

Eyebrow Sculpting and Tinting 

Eyebrow sculpting and tinting are popular wedding preparation treatments because they can improve your brows’ overall look and nicely frame your face. Eyebrow sculpting is shaping your brows to create a symmetrical and well-defined appearance. To darken or brighten the eyebrows’ natural color, eyebrow tinting involves putting a semi-permanent dye to the hairs. This can help fill in any gaps and give your brows a fuller appearance while also creating a more defined structure. If your brows are naturally sparse or lighter in color, tinting can help give them a more uniform appearance. 

Eyelash Tinting 

Another common procedure for wedding preparation is eyelash tinting, which can give your lashes a darker, more defined appearance without the use of mascara or extensions. By putting a semi-permanent dye to your, eyelash tinting can darken their appearance.

Skin Cancer 101: Signs, Types and Treatments

What is Skin Cancer?

During May, Skin Cancer Awareness Month, organizations and individuals worldwide unite to spread the word about the risks of skin cancer and the importance of early detection and prevention. With more than 9,500 cases diagnosed daily, skin cancer is the most prevalent malignancy in the United States. 

Skin cancer occurs when the cells in the skin grow uncontrollably and form a mass of abnormal cells, known as a tumor. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, and melanoma are the four primary types of skin cancer. Numerous risk factors, such as genetics, sun exposure, and certain lifestyle choices, can contribute to skin cancer formation. 


What are the Types of Skin Cancer?

Basal Cell Carcinoma 

80% of all cases of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, making it the most common type of skin cancer. Typically, it appears on the face, neck, and arms, as these are the most prevalent parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. 

A pink, glossy patch of skin that may bleed readily or a small, raised lump are the typical symptoms of basal cell carcinoma. On the surface, there might be tiny blood vessels that give it a glossy or waxy appearance. It may occasionally turn into an ulcer or a scab. 

While basal cell carcinoma typically grows slowly and rarely spreads to other parts of the body, if left untreated, it can harm and disfigure the individual. Surgery, radiation therapy, and topical medicines are all used to treat basal cell carcinoma. The most effective course of action is determined by the tumor’s size, depth, and location, as well as the patient’s overall health and preferences.  

Squamous Cell Carcinoma 

With about 16% of all cases, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most prevalent type of skin cancer. Additionally, it frequently appears on exposed skin, such as the face, neck, and arms. However, it can also appear on other parts of the body, such as the lips and genitals. 

Squamous cell carcinoma typically presents as a red, flat patch of skin that itches or bleeds and may be covered in scales or scabbing. It could have a dip in the middle or have a hard, wart-like surface. It might occasionally turn into an ulcer or a sore that does not heal. 

Squamous cell carcinoma can results in harm and disfigurement if left untreated, despite the fact that it typically grows slowly and seldom spreads to other regions of the body. Surgery, radiation therapy, and topical medicines are all used to treat squamous cell carcinoma. The most effective course of action is determined by the tumor’s size, depth, and location, as well as the patient’s overall health and preferences. 


Melanocytes, the skin’s pigment-producing cells, are where melanoma arises. Despite being less common than basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, it is more aggressive, and, if left untreated, can spread to other body parts. 

Melanoma typically presents as a dark or unusual-appearing mole or freckle that evolves over time in terms of size, form, or color. Additionally, it may have an uneven border, various coloring, and an asymmetrical shape. Melanoma can appear anywhere on the body, but the back, legs, arms, and face are the most common areas where it is discovered. 

Melanoma can develop in places that are not typically exposed to the sun, such as the palms, soles of the feet, and under the nails. Exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays is the main cause of melanoma. Fair skin, a history of sunburns, melanoma in the family, and a large amount of mole are risk factors for melanoma. 

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

The most uncommon, but very aggressive, skin cancer known as Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) arises in the Merkel cells, located in the skin’s deepest layer. People with weakened immune systems and older adults are more likely to develop MCC. 

Typically, a cyst or a pimple will look similar to a painless firm, pink or red bump that is Merkel cell carcinoma. MCC could develop quickly, hemorrhage, or develop an ulcer. Merkel cell carcinoma frequently appears on skin that is frequently exposed to the sun such as the head, neck, and arms. However, it can also develop on other parts of the body. 

Merkel cell carcinoma is a dangerous condition that can swiftly spread to the organs and lymph nodes, among other areas of the body. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery are available treatment options for MCC. The most effective course of action is determined by the tumor’s size, location, and stage as well as the patient’s preferences and general health. 


Signs and Symptoms of Skin Cancer 

Depending on the type of cancer, there can be a wide range of skin cancer signs and symptoms. However, some typical symptoms and signs to watch out for include: 

  • A New or Changing Mole: This could manifest as an existing mole that changes in size, form, or color, or as a brand-new mole with an odd appearance. 
  • A Sore That Does Not Heal: This could be a wound that does not heal or a scab that forms and bleeds repeatedly. 
  • A Spot or Patch that is Red, Scaly, or Crusty: This could be a red, pink, or brown spot or a rough or scaly piece of skin. 
  • A Lump or Bump: This could be a firm or hard-to-the-touch elevated lump or bump. 
  • Itchy or Painful Skin: This could indicate an abnormal lesion or growth on the skin. 


Skin Cancer Diagnoses 

To get a skin cancer diagnosis, you should see a dermatologist. You can schedule an appointment at SkinDC to get a skin exam here. During your visit, one of our board-certified dermatologists will conduct a thorough skin examination, looking for any suspicious growths or lesions. 

One of our dermatologists may conduct a skin biopsy if they notice a questionable growth. This procedure entails taking a small sample of the tissue for laboratory testing. The results of the biopsy will aid in determining whether or not the tumor is malignant. At SkinDC, we use DermTech to collect samples of the tissue for analysis.

DermTech is a biotechnology company that specializes in non-invasive, genomic-based skin cancer diagnostic testing. DermTech’s Pigmented Lesion Assay (PLA) collects RNA from a suspicious skin lesion using a tiny adhesive patch. Following the collection, the RNA is examined to look for genetic changes linked to melanoma and other forms of skin cancer. 

The DermTech PLA is intended to be a minimally invasive replacement for conventional skin biopsies, which can be uncomfortable and cause scarring. The PLA is painless and can be completed in just a few minutes during your medical visit at SkinDC. The test has been shown to have a high level of accuracy in diagnosing melanoma and other types of skin cancer. It can also identify benign growths, eliminating the need for pointless biopsies. 

With more accuracy and less invasiveness than conventional skin biopsies, DermTech’s genomic-based assays have the potential to transform the early detection and diagnosis of skin cancer.  


Skin Cancer Treatments 

The type and stage of cancer, the patient’s general health, and personal preferences all influence the choice of treatment for skin cancer. There are numerous therapeutic options available. Skin cancer treatments that are often used include: 

  • Surgery: The most frequent form of treatment for skin cancer is surgery, which entails removing the malignant tumor and a margin of healthy skin. Different surgical procedures, such as excision, Mohs surgery, curettage, and electrodesiccation may be used, depending on the size and location of the cancer. 
  • Radiation Therapy: High-energy radiation beams are used in radiation treatment to destroy cancer cells. Certain types of skin cancer may be treated with this procedure either alone or in conjunction with surgery. 
  • Topical Therapy: To treat precancerous or cancerous tumors, topical therapy is applying a cream or lotion directly to the skin. Lquimod, fluorouracil, and ingenol mebutate are frequently used topical medications. 
  • Photodynamic Therapy: A light-activated medicine is applied to the skin during photodynamic treatment (PDT), which is subsequently triggered by a particular light source to kill cancer cells. 
  • Immunotherapy: In immunotherapy, medications are used to activate the immune system’s attack on and eliminate cancer cells. Skin cancer that has spread or progressed is often treated with this method.


What is Mohs Surgery? 

Mohs surgery, also known as Mohs micrographic surgery, is a specialized surgical technique used to treat skin cancer. The procedure is named after Dr. Frederick Mohs, who developed the technique in the 1930s. Mohs surgery is a very accurate and efficient way to remove skin cancer, especially from sensitive areas like the face, eyelids, nose, lips, and ears where tissue preservation is crucial.

During Mohs surgery, the surgeon removed the visible portion of the cancerous growth and a thin layer of surrounding tissue. After that, the tissue is examined under a microscope to see if any malignant cells are still there. Until no cancer cells are found, the surgeon will remove another lay of tissues if cancerous cells are still present. The benefit of Mohs surgery is that it enables the exact removal of malignant tissue while maintaining the greatest amount of healthy tissue. This is important for both functional and cosmetic reasons. 

Usually done under local anesthetic as an outpatient procedure. Mohs surgery might take several hours to complete, depending on the size and location of the malignant tumor. Depending on the size and location of the wound, it may be stitched closed, or left to heal naturally after the treatment. 

Although Mohs surgery is very effective, it is not suitable for all forms of skin cancer. Your dermatologist or surgeon will determine if Mohs surgery is the best treatment option for your situation. 


Common Misconceptions 

There are a number of widespread myths regarding skin cancer that can lead to a lack of understanding and awareness of this disease. Some of the most typical misconceptions include: 

  • Only fair-skinned people get skin cancer: Skin cancer can affect anyone, regardless of their skin color, however, it is true those with fair skin are more likely to develop it. 
  • Skin cancer is not a serious disease: Skin cancer can be a dangerous and even fatal condition, especially if it is not found and treated at an early stage. 
  • Skin cancer only affects older people: Although skin cancer risk increases with age, it can still strike anyone, even children and young adults. 
  • Skin cancer only affects people who spend a lot of time in the sun: Although exposure to UV radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer, there are other factors that can contribute. These factors include genetics and a family history of skin cancer. 
  • Skin cancer always looks like a mole: Skin cancer may show up as a sore that will not heal, a new growth, or a change in the appearance of a mole or spot on the skin that already exists. 
  • Skin cancer is not preventable: Despite the fact that it is not always possible to completely prevent skin cancer there are many steps that people can take to reduce their risk. These include wearing protective clothing and sunscreen, avoiding the sun during peak hours, and performing routine self-exams to check for any changes in the skin.


Prevention and Early Detection 

Prevention and early detection are key in the fight against skin cancer. Here are some tips for preventing skin cancer and detecting it early: 

  • Protect Your Skin from the Sun: The sun’s UV rays can damage your skin and increase your risk of skin cancer. Protect your skin and increase your risk of skin cancer. Protect your skin by wearing protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, and hats, and applying broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Shop SkinDC’s favorite SPF products here
  • Avoid Tanning Beds: Tanning beds use UV radiation which can damage your skin and increase your risk of skin cancer. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, indoor tanning can increase the risk of developing the two most common types of skin cancer – squamous cell carcinoma by 58% and basal cell carcinoma by 24%. Using tanning beds before the age of 20 can increase your chances of developing melanoma by 47% and the risk increases with each use. 
  • Perform Regular Skin Self-Exams: Check your skin regularly for any changes in moles, freckles, or other spots on your skin. Look for any new or changing growths, sores that don’t heal, or patches of skin that are red and scaly. Need help with performing a self skin-exam? The American Academy of Dermatology has a great guide here! 
  • See a Dermatologist for Regular Skin Checks: One of SkinDC’s board-certified dermatologists can help you identify any suspicious growth and recommend the appropriate treatment. We recommend coming in for a skin check annually. Learn how to prepare for your skin exam at SkinDC here
  • Know Your Risk Factors: Factors such as a family history of skin cancer, a history of excessive sun exposure, and having fair skin can increase your risk of skin cancer. Be aware of your risk factors and take steps to protect your skin accordingly.
  • Seek Medical Attention: If you notice any changes in your skin, such as a new growth or mole, or a sore that does not heal, see a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Rosacea 101: Signs, Triggers, and Treatments

What is Rosacea?

Mostly affecting the face, rosacea is a chronic skin disorder that causes redness, irritation, blemishes/bumps, and visible blood vessels. In addition, it can impact the eyes, causing redness and dryness. Rosacea can affect everyone, although those with fair skin and those over 30 are more likely to develop it. Although the precise etiology of rosacea is uncertain, researchers believe that a mix of hereditary and environmental factors may be responsible. Although rosacea has no known cure, it can be treated with medication, dietary adjustments, laser treatments, and avoiding triggers that may make symptoms worse.

The 4 Types of Rosacea 

There are four different subtypes of rosacea, each with a unique set of signs and symptoms.

Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea

The most common form of rosacea is called erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, sometimes referred to as subtype 1 rosacea, is characterized by persistent face flushing, redness, and visible blood vessels (telangiectasia). 

Symptoms of erythematotelangiectatic rosacea may include:

  • Facial redness that persists for weeks or months
  • Flushing or blushing easily 
  • Visible blood vessels (telangiectasia) on the cheeks, nose, or other areas of the face
  • Dry or sensitive skin
  • Burning or stinging sensations 
  • Swelling or edema 

Papulopustular Rosacea 

The second most common form of rosacea is called papulopustular rosacea, sometimes referred to as subtype 2 rosacea, is characterized by bumps and pimples on the face that resemble acne together with facial redness and flushing. 

Symptoms of papulopustular rosacea may include: 

  • Acne-like bumps and pimples on the face 
  • Facial redness and flushing 
  • Burning or stinging sensations 
  • Dry or rough skin
  • Visible blood vessels (telangiectasia) 

Phymatous Rosacea

The skin of the nose is predominantly affected by phymatous rosacea, commonly referred to as subtype 3 rosacea, however, it can also affect the chin, forehead, cheeks, and ears. It is distinguished by the skin’s thickness and expansion as well as the emergence of observable blood vessels.

Symptoms of phymatous rosacea may include: 

  • Thickened, bumpy skin on the nose, known as rhinophyma 
  • Enlarged pores 
  • Visible blood vessels (telangiectasia) 
  • Rough, uneven skin texture
  • Burning or stinging sensations 
  • Dry or sensitive skin

Ocular Rosacea

Rosacea involving the eyes and surrounding areas is referred to as ocular rosacea, also known as subtype 4 rosacea. It is characterized by a variety of symptoms that may impact the cornea, conjunctiva, and eyelids.

Symptoms of ocular may include: 

  • Redness and inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) 
  • Dry, irritated, burning eye 
  • Sensitivity to light 
  • Blurred vision
  • Grittiness or foreign body sensation in the eyes 
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye) 
  • Styes or other eyelid bumps 

It is significant to remember that symptoms can range in severity and that some persons may have a combination of these subtypes. Based on the distinct subtype and symptoms, a dermatologist can make a diagnosis and suggest a course of action.

Book your appointment with one of our medical dermatologists here!


Rosacea and Genetics 

It’s possible that genetics contribute to the emergence of rosacea. According to studies, people who have rosacea in their family are more likely to get the disorder. Yet, it is still unclear exactly what hereditary factors contribute to the onset of rosacea.

Genes involved in inflammation, the immune system, and blood vessel function, among others, have been linked in certain studies to an increased chance of developing rosacea. To fully comprehend the genetic pathways underlying rosacea, more study is necessary.

It’s crucial to remember that environmental variables like nutrition, stress, and sun exposure can also contribute to the onset and progression of rosacea. Genetics alone do not always cause the illness. Furthermore, not everyone who has rosacea in their family will also have the disease.

Therefore, it is believed that a mix of genetic and environmental variables contribute to the pathogenesis of rosacea, even if genetics may play a role in its development.


Rosacea and Mental Health 

A person’s mental health may be significantly impacted by rosacea. Rosacea can cause redness, pimples, and thickening skin, which can be undesired and have a negative impact on one’s self-esteem. If associated with depression and anxiety, it can also lead to social retreat and isolation.

Chronic skin conditions like rosacea can be stressful to manage and have an adverse effect on the quality of life. It can be emotionally draining to deal with the physical symptoms, control triggers, and seek therapy. It’s crucial for rosacea sufferers to take care of their mental health requirements and seek assistance if they need it.

There are lifestyle adjustments that can help manage symptoms and enhance mental health in addition to getting medical attention. Both physical and mental health can benefit from behaviors like stress management, regular exercise, a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. 


How to Get a Diagnosis 

A dermatologist would often diagnose rosacea based on the patient’s medical history and skin appearance. In order to make a diagnosis, the dermatologist will conduct a physical examination and may inquire about the patient’s symptoms, family history, and lifestyle.

While there is no specific test for rosacea, the dermatologist may occasionally carry out further tests to rule out other skin illnesses that may present with a similar set of symptoms, such as lupus or eczema. A skin biopsy, blood testing, or allergy tests may be part of these examinations.

To aid in an appropriate diagnosis, patients should give their dermatologists as much information as they can. Included in this are any skincare regimens or drugs patients are taking, as well as any triggers that can exacerbate their symptoms.

The dermatologist will collaborate with the patient to design a treatment plan based on the subtype and severity of the problem once rosacea has been diagnosed. This could entail taking medication, making lifestyle adjustments, and avoiding triggers that might make symptoms worse. To monitor the condition and modify treatment as appropriate, routine follow-up sessions may be required.


Vascular Laser Treatment for Rosacea 

In particular, the subtype of erythematotelandiectatic rosacea, which is marked by persistent redness and visible blood vessels, is routinely treated using vascular lasers. Vascular lasers function by concentrating on the damaged area’s blood vessels and decreasing them, which lessens inflammation and enhances the skin’s look.

The vascular laser treatment can be performed by any of our board-certified dermatologists and our facial plastic surgeons at SkinDC. Patients may need multiple sessions depending on the severity of their condition.

Vascular laser treatment is generally safe and effective, but not everyone is a good candidate. It might not be suitable for patients with specific medical issues or skin types, and it might not work for all rosacea subtypes. Before getting vascular laser treatment, patients should talk with their dermatologist about the procedure’s advantages and disadvantages.

It’s also crucial to remember that vascular laser therapy is just one of several rosacea treatment choices and that for best results, it may be used with other treatments including prescription drugs and lifestyle modifications.


Common Triggers for Rosacea 

Rosacea triggers are particular elements that might aggravate or exacerbate rosacea symptoms. The frequency and severity of flare-ups can be decreased by recognizing and avoiding triggers. The following are some typical rosacea triggers:

  1. Sun Exposure: Use sunscreen and protective clothing to prevent flare-ups of rosacea caused by exposure to the sun or other sources of UV radiation.
  2. Severe temperature changes, such as traveling from a warm room to a chilly outdoor setting, should be avoided because hot and cold temperatures can aggravate rosacea.
  3. Hot Foods: Some people who have rosacea may experience flushing from spicy foods and hot drinks.
  4. Alcohol and Caffeine: Both alcohol and caffeine can widen blood vessels, causing flushing and other symptoms.
  5. Stress: Some people’s rosacea symptoms can be brought on by emotional stress or anxiety, so it’s crucial to practice stress-relieving exercises like yoga or meditation.
  6. Skincare Products: Certain skincare items, such as those that include alcohol, perfumes, or other irritants, might exacerbate the symptoms of rosacea.
  7. Exercise: It’s crucial to keep cool and drink enough of water while engaging in physical activity because intense exercise or other hot-weather activities can exacerbate rosacea symptoms.

Rosacea sufferers must recognize their unique triggers and take action to manage or prevent them. It can be useful to uncover patterns and adjust one’s lifestyle by keeping a journal to record symptoms and likely triggers.


How to Identify Your Triggers 

It can take some trial and error to find rosacea triggers, but keeping a diary or journal can be a useful tool. To determine your rosacea triggers, follow these steps:

  1. Maintain a Journal or Diary: List your symptoms and possible triggers in a journal or diary. Take note of the day, time, and specifics of what you consumed, drank, applied to your skin, or engaged in prior to the onset of your symptoms.
  2. Look for Patterns: Review your journal after a few weeks or a month to see if you can see any patterns or trends. Do you notice any recurring patterns or common denominators that are connected to your flare-ups?
  3. Test Possible Triggers: After you’ve discovered potential triggers, evaluate whether your symptoms improve by removing each one at a time for two to four weeks. If you believe spicy foods cause your rosacea, for instance, try abstaining from them for a few weeks to see if your symptoms get better.
  4. Be Patient: Finding triggers may need persistence and time. It’s crucial to keep in mind that triggers can build up over time and that a flare-up may require more than one trigger.
  5. Get Expert Assistance: If you need assistance managing your symptoms or recognizing your triggers, speak with a dermatologist at SkinDC. They can offer advice and suggest suitable treatment choices.

By identifying and avoiding triggers, you can help reduce the frequency and severity of your rosacea symptoms and improve your quality of life. 

Don’t Let the Winter Dull Your Glow

Don’t Let the Winter Dull Your Glow 

Is the harsh winter weather ruining your glowing skin? Cold air, dry indoor heat, low humidity levels, and harsh winter wind can all take away the moisture in your skin. This can leave your skin looking much less radiant than usual. 


Why is My Skin Drier in the Winter? 

Dry skin occurs when your epidermis is not retaining enough moisture. While this can be caused by harsh soaps, aging, or certain medical conditions, the winter weather does exacerbate these issues. Winter poses a special problem because the humidity levels are low both indoors and outdoors. The water content of your skin’s outermost layer tends to reflect the level of humidity around it. Therefore, the low humidity levels in the winter cause low moisture levels in your skin. 


Typical Signs and Symptoms of Dry Skin

Dry skin, also known as xerosis or xeroderma, makes the skin look and feel rough, itchy, flaky, or scaly. The location of these dry patches varies from person to person. It is a common condition that affects people of all ages. Dry skin is often temporary or seasonal, but some individuals need to treat their dry skin long-term. Signs and symptoms of dry skin might vary based on your age, health status, skin tone, living environment, and sun exposure. These symptoms may include a feeling of skin tightness, skin that looks and feels rough, itchiness (pruritus), slight to severe flaking skin, fine lines or cracks, and deep cracks that may bleed. 

Could You be Experiencing More Than Just Dry Winter Skin?

There are some instances where you could be experiencing more than just dry winter skin. For example, adults over the age of 40 naturally have drier skin and should be applying moisturizer regularly. As we age, our skin produces fewer natural oils. Dry skin can also be a sign of a completely unrelated health condition, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, or a nutrition deficiency. The key to figuring out what is going on is to watch out for certain symptoms. 

When to See a Doctor for Dry Skin

Most cases of dry skin respond well to lifestyle changes and home remedies. You may need to book an appointment with one of our Dermatologists if your symptoms persist after self-care steps, your skin becomes inflamed or painful, your condition is causing you to lose sleep or is distracting you from your daily routines, you have open sores or infections from scratching, or you have large areas of scaly or peeling skin. 

If any of these apply to you, please book an appointment at SkinDC today! 

How You Can Soothe Your Dry Skin

To help heal dry skin and prevent its return, we recommend the following. 

Adjust Your Shower Routines 

One of the biggest changes you can make is to limit the length and frequency of your showers. While you may feel like taking a hot shower is a good remedy for your dry skin, it is not. The heat in the water dries the oils out of your skin as will overwashing. The warmer the water you use, the drier your skin is going to be. A five to ten-minute shower is recommended, as well as showering every other day if you are not getting sweaty from exercise. 

Add Moisture to Your Air 

Using a humidifier in the room where you sleep can help reduce the effects of spending lots of time in dry and low-humidity areas. A Havard Health study advises that the humidifier should be set to 60 percent, which is a level that should be sufficient to replenish the top layer of the epidermis. 

Apply SPF Daily

Due to the shorter winter days and less sunlight, many are tempted to go a day or more without applying their SPF. However, even in winter, harmful UV light can still stress your skin’s moisture barrier. Your moisture barrier is vital for maintaining skin health and hydration. Make sure to add a layer of sunscreen each morning after you’ve applied your moisturizer. The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends using sunscreen with at least an SPF 30. 

If you are looking for a new SPF to add to your skincare routine, here are a few of our favorites:

Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF 50 is perfect for all skin types, including sensitive skin, has a universal tint, and is water resistant. 

SkinDC Sheer Physical Sunscreen Cream SPF 50 is gentle on sensitive and acne-prone skin and provides broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. 

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize! 

After you shower, pat your skin dry with a towel and then immediately apply moisturizer. The function of moisturizers is to trap moisture in your skin. Therefore, when you apply moisturizer to skin that is already very dry, it is not going to be beneficial as there is no moisture to trap. Applying moisturizers to damp skin is much more effective, especially if your skin is dry to start with. You should also be applying a moisturizer to your hands and face within a few minutes of washing them. 

If your typical facial moisturizer is no longer effective, here are a few of our favorite more intensive moisturizers to try:

Epionce Medical Barrier Cream provides a surge of hydration for very sensitive skin types, including visibly red and irritated skin that is scaly and dry. 

La Roche Posay Lipikar AP+ is a body cream moisturizer for dry to extra dry skin that features a unique prebiotic action on the skin microbiome. It is clinically shown to reduce dry, rough skin. 

Ingredients to Add and Avoid 

If you are suffering from dry skin in the winter, it may be time to check your skincare ingredients. There are many ingredients that will cause your dry skin to get worse, as well as many that will help restore hydration. 

Ingredients to Avoid 

  • Alcohol – While this ingredient is common in some lotions, it is not a good choice when trying to repair dry skin. With chronic use, alcohol could disrupt your skin’s moisture barrier. 
  • Fragrances – Fragrances can be an irritant leading to redness, itchy skin, and sometimes hives. If your skin is dry and sensitive, it is best to replace your products with fragrance-free alternatives. 
  • Benzoyl Peroxide – Used to treat mild to moderate acne, benzoyl peroxide is typically very drying to the skin. If your skin is peeling or flaky, reduce the frequency of uses or stop using benzoyl peroxide altogether. 

Ingredients to Add

  • Squalene – Squalene is naturally produced by your body and is found in human sebum (oil). However, as you age, squalene production slows. Squalene is a great moisturizing oil that does not leave you with an oily feel and is okay for acne-prone skin. 
  • Hyaluronic Acid – The Hyaluronic Acid molecule can hold 1,000 times its weight in water and is one of the best ways to add moisture back into your dry skin. 
  • Ceramides – Ceramides are epidermal lipids that play a key role in skin barrier function. They are naturally found in human skin but are also used in skincare products to help replace deficient lipids. 

Don’t Overexfoliate 

Exfoliation, which helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, can help your skin look smooth and vibrant. However, it is possible to overexfoliate your skin if you do it too often or use the wrong products. If your skin is looking dry or flaky, you may want to opt for a gentle chemical exfoliant rather than a physical scrub. If your skin is cracked, raw, or irritated, it may be best to avoid exfoliation until your skin is healed. 

Get Regular HydraFacials 

A HydraFacial is the only procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, brighter, and smoother skin. This treatment provides the results of a microdermabrasion, chemical peel, and a deep-cleansing facial combined. It also improved the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, acne, hyperpigmentation, and dryness. It is a very customizable treatment, so it is appropriate for all skin types including sensitive or acne-prone skin. 

Schedule a HydraFacial with one of our Master Estheticians today! 

Summer Bodies are Made in the Winter

Every body is unique and every body is a beach body. However, so many of us have different aspects of our bodies we would like to change. SkinDC is here to help you achieve your goals in time for the summer season. From toning your muscles to getting rid of your overly-sweaty armpits, there is a solution for your every need. 


Unwanted Fat Treatments 


CoolSculpting is a fat-freezing technology offering long-term results that will make your ‘trouble spots’ a lot less troubling. CoolSculpting uses cold temperatures to selectively target fat cells in your body. The cold temperatures signal your fat cells to enter apoptosis, also known as irreversible cell death. These dead fat cells are then eaten by macrophages, also known as your body’s cleanup cells, and are ultimately excreted by your lymphatic system. Your body will naturally eliminate the dead cells for two to six months, in some cases longer, resulting in up to a 20 to 25 percent reduction of fat in the treated area. 


The CoolSculpting treatment is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental (under the chin) and submandibular (under the jawline) areas, inner tights, outer thighs, above the knee, the abdomen, and flanks (which includes the bra line, back, underneath the buttocks), and the upper arms. After you have received your treatment, the earliest you will notice changes is four to six weeks. Eight weeks is the typical time that a patient will notice a change from the treatment, with three months being the point when our providers will evaluate the result of the treatment. At SkinDC, we typically recommend patients get at least two rounds of CoolSculpting on their desired treatment area. Schedule a FREE Body Contouring Consultation today to get a customized treatment plan for your body goals. 


To learn more about CoolSculpting, listen to our Director of Body Contouring, Ragan Lake, speak about the treatment here: CoolSculpting at SkinDC



Vanquish is a good body contouring treatment for individuals who have a severe reaction to intense cold. Vanquish is a state-of-the-art body contouring device that permanently removes fat and tightens skin without surgery or downtime. It uses radio frequency energy to target and kill fat cells without harming the overlying skin or deeper tissues. This treatment is used to reduce the circumference of the abdomen, love handles, lower back, bra bulge, and tights. 


Most often our patients see a two to four-inch reduction in fat after having four to six treatments, with treatments being performed once per week. The patient will likely notice an improvement during the treatment interval, but as fat cells continue to be eliminated from your body, the final results are typically seen one to two months after the patient’s final treatment. 


Say Goodbye to that Double-Chin


This treatment can also be used to get rid of your double-chin area. CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental (under the chin) and the submandibular (under the jawline) areas. Just one treatment will see a 20 to 25 percent fat reduction with visible results after eight weeks. 



Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area, under the chin, to improve your profile. Kybella’s active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids the breakdown and elimination of dietary fat in the digestive system. When injected into the fat layer beneath the chin, Kybella causes the fat cells to die. Once these fat cells are naturally removed by the body, they are permanently gone. 


Patients will have an initial consultation with one of our providers to receive a customized Kybella treatment plan. At SkinDC, we see that most patients need three to six treatments to receive their desired results. Re-treatment of the desired area is completed every two months. Patients can see the full benefit of the treatment around four to six weeks after the last treatment in a series of three or more treatments. 


To learn more about Kybella, listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Lina Naga, speak about the treatment here: Kybella Treatment at SkinDC


Sub-Mental Liposuction 

Sub-Mental liposuction is the direct removal of stubborn fat accumulation along the jawline and under the chin. Using invisible, microscopic access points, small tubes are introduced to carefully remove and sculpt fat to restore the smooth, tight contours on the jawline and neck. Submental liposuction offers a safe treatment that is proven to eliminate double chins. Thanks to this procedure, an individual can enjoy the appearance of a more defined jawline. Sub-mental liposuction makes it simple for an individual to minimize fat in the neck, creating a more natural transition from the neck to the jawline. 


To learn more about Sub-Mental Liposuction, listen to SkinDC’s plastic surgeon, Dr. Jonathan Cabin, speak about the procedure here: Submental Liposuction by Dr. Jonathan Cabin at SkinDC


Cellulite Treatments 


Avéli™ is a new procedure that recognizes the complex underlying structural cause of cellulite dimples – bands called ‘septa’ that pull down on the dermis. Avéli™ releases the culprit septa and allows our doctors to confirm the release in real time, removing the guesswork! In a single in-office procedure at SkinDC, we can deliver visibly smoother skin for a wide range of women with cellulite dimples.

A typical Aveli procedure will take around an hour including prep, local anesthesia, and the procedure itself. The exact timing will vary depending on the patient’s personalized plan that is received from the provider. There is little to no downtime after the procedure. In the clinical study, most patients returned to normal activities within 24 to 48 hours. 

To learn more about Aveli, listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, speak about the procedure here: Avéli Cellulite Treatment at SkinDC



Cellutone is a non-invasive treatment that helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. Typically done in conjunction with other body contouring treatments, Cellutone uses vibrations to help improve circulation and lymphatic drainage. After a Cellutone treatment, treated areas will be pink for up to a few hours after the procedure. There is little to no downtime for this treatment and normal activities may be resumed immediately following treatment. 


Skin Tightening 


FaceTite is comparable to a surgical face tight, without large scars. The treatment provides a dramatic improvement in skin laxity on the face and neck, which was previously only attainable through a surgical procedure such as a face or neck lift. FaceTite utilizes minimally invasive radio-frequency energy to melt fat and tighten the skin for a younger-looking complexion. FaceTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed with a very small wand under local anesthesia or light sedation so patients do not feel pain. You will simply feel a little pressure when the treatment is being performed. The treatment lasts 30 to 60 minutes but varies based on the patient. 


Listen to SkinDC’s plastic surgeon, Dr. Jonathan Cabin, speak about the FaceTite treatment here: FaceTite at SkinDC



Ultherapy is another treatment used to help lift and tighten the skin without surgery; helping you achieve a more youthful look. Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production in the lower levels of the skin. The safety and efficacy of Ultherapy have been established through multiple clinical studies and over 1 million treatments have been performed worldwide. Ultherapy is an FDA-cleared treatment on the neck, under the chin, and the brow. It is also used to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the chest. 


During an Ultherapy treatment, a SkinDC provider uses ultrasound imaging to identify the optimal layers of tissue for collagen regeneration. This ensures the energy is delivered to where it will be most beneficial, resulting in targeted collagen growth. Most patients notice the effects of the treatment in three to six months and the results will last two years or more. 


Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, speak about Ultherapy here: Ultherapy at SkinDC



Exilis combines radiofrequency energy with ultrasound technology and it is the only device of its kind. One of the differences with the Exilis design in the handpiece can be used in many places on the body and is not limited to one or two areas as with many other systems. During the treatment, subsurface skin tissue gets heated to the point of coagulation. When this occurs, the coagulated collagen starts flushing out of the body and new tissue will replace it. The new collagen takes up the slack under the outer skin layers while another new tissue attracts and absorbs moisture to the treatment areas, generally creating optimal conditions for healthy skin. 


Since the Exilis handpiece resembles an oversized marker pen, it can direct radio-frequency and ultrasound energy virtually anywhere on the body. Common treatment areas for the Exilis system include: around the eyes, around the mouth, the chin, the jawline, along the neck, the decollete area, arms, abdomen, love handles, buttocks, the female pubic region, legs, knees, and the ankles. 


Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, speak about Exilis here: Exilis at SkinDC


Muscle Toning 


CoolTone uses Magnetic Muscles Stimulation or MMS technology to penetrate through the skin and fat layers to target only the muscle layer. MMS induces involuntary muscle contractions. The body’s response to these contractions is to strengthen its muscle fibers, resulting in improved muscle conditioning. After the treatment(s), the treated area is firmer and has a more defined and toned appearance. One 30-minute  treatment is equivalent to completing 10,000 sit-ups. Not only will this treatment help you reach your body’s aesthetic goals, but it will also help improve your physical strength. Your workouts will be more efficient and patients will find their previous workouts less difficult. 


The CoolTone treatment is FDA-cleared for the abdomen, buttocks, and tights. The ideal candidate are patients who wish to improve muscle tone and the firmness of their abdomen, buttocks, and/or thighs. At SkinDC we use a pretty aggressive initial plan with our patients to help them achieve the best results. We like to see our patients nine times over the course of three weeks. The progression of CoolTone results is fast and by the end of the initial treatment package, patients see, on average, a 30 percent improvement. 


To learn more about CoolTone, listen to our Director of Body Contouring, Ragan Lake, speak about the treatment here: CoolTone at SkinDC


No More Spider Veins 


Sclerotherapy is a series of injections into the capillaries/ spider veins in the legs. It involves injecting a solution directly into the vein causing the vein to scar, and forcing blood to reroute through healthier veins. The collapsed vein is then reabsorbed into local tissue and eventually fades. During the treatment, multiple injections will be administered along small caliber veins in the legs. There will be a minor pricking and stinging sensation. There will be some minor bleeding from the needle sticks. Based on the severity or size of the spider veins, additional treatments may b desired for continued tightening of the veins. At six to eight weeks patients can expect to see the full benefit from the treatment and additional treatments can be performed at this time, if necessary. 


To learn more about Sclerotherapy, listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Lina Naga, speak about the treatment here:Sclerotherapy Spider Vein Treatment at SkinDC


Sweaty? Say Hello to Botox

Botox for Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes abnormal, excessive sweating that is not necessarily due to heat or exercise. You may sweat so much that it soaks through your clothes or drips off your hands. In addition to disrupting normal daily activities, this type of heavy sweating can cause social anxiety and embarrassment. Botox is a particularly effective treatment for focal hyperhidrosis. Botox injections use botulinum toxin to block the nerve signals responsible for sweating, stopping the sweat glands from producing too much sweat.


Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a great option for patients who are looking to get rid of thick, dark, unwanted hair permanently. The GentleMax Pro™ laser hair removal machine from Candela targets the melanin in hair follicles, using single, specific wavelengths that are tuned to match the skin pigmentation of each patient. This means that our laser hair removal treatment will work on all skin types. However, due to the nature of laser hair removal targeting the melanin in the hair follicles, blonde/red hair and peach fuzz are not the targets of laser hair removal.

Hair follicles grow in a cycle, though not in sync with each other, so several treatments will be necessary to catch follicles at their most vulnerable place in the growth cycle. The melanin in the hair follicles absorbs the energy produced from the laser source and heats up. This heating action destroys the follicle’s ability to grow hair, leading to complete hair removal once all follicles in each area are treated.

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk more about Laser Hair Removal here: Laser Hair Removal at SkinDC

Creating the Perfect Skincare Routine

Why is a Skincare Regimen Important? 

The skin is the largest organ you have, yet it tends to be one of the most overlooked areas of your body. Healthy skin is a big part of looking your best and can help you look and feel healthier overall.  The skin is exposed to harmful chemicals, the sun, and other environmental pollutants on a daily basis, and once the damage is done, it can be difficult to reverse it. This is why a good skincare routine is essential. The younger you are when you begin your skincare journey, the better, but there is always time to establish healthy skin habits. 


Know Your Skin Type 

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), there are five primary types of skin: oily, dry, normal, combination, and sensitive. Each skin type has its own set of unique characteristics and needs that can affect the look and feel of your complexion. Once you know and understand your skin type, you can begin to make informed decisions about what your skin needs and how to protect it for years to come. Your skin type is based on the amount of sebum (oil) your skin produces. Your skin’s oiliness can change over time and can also be influenced by external and internal factors such as stress, genetics, hormones, humidity, and the natural aging process. 

Oily Skin Characteristics

Oily skin produces an excess amount of sebum that causes the skin to appear shiny and feel greasy – especially throughout the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin). It is important to remember that just because oily skin produces more natural oils, it does not mean that it requires less moisture than other skin types. 

Dry Skin Characteristics 

Dry skin generally produces fewer natural oils than other types of skin. This may cause your skin to appear dull and even have a rough or flaky texture. Dry skin can often feel tight or less elastic, as well as noticeably dehydrated.

Normal Skin Characteristics 

Normal skin is balanced, it feels neither too dry nor too oily. It is not prone to breakouts, flakiness, or feeling too greasy or tight. People with normal skin typically have small pores, and a smooth skin texture, and are less prone to sensitivity or blemishes. However, despite the fact that normal skin does not have any specific issues or concerns, it still requires proper skincare to look and feel its best. 

Combination Skin Characteristics 

Combination skin includes areas that are dry as well as oily – with the T-zone commonly being oily, and the cheeks being either dry or normal. This skin type can vary depending on the seasons and weather, as well as other factors such as stress or hormone fluctuations. 

Sensitive Skin Characteristics 

Sensitive skin is often referred to as a skin type, but it is possible to have oily sensitive skin, dry sensitive skin, or normal sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, it may appear red and has a burning, itching, or dry sensation. These symptoms may be related to having skin that is more vulnerable to external irritants and may be triggered by certain ingredients, such as dyes or fragrances, as well as environmental factors. 


A.M. vs P.M. Skincare 

Your morning and evening skincare routines serve different purposes. A morning skincare routine aims to protect your skin whereas an evening skincare routine focuses on repairing and rejuvenating your skin. Daytime is when you are most active, which means your morning skincare routine should focus on hydration and protection. Nighttime is when your skincare routine should work on repairing the skin from any damage you may have been exposed to throughout the day as well as target any skin conditions you are concerned about. These skin conditions can include wrinkles, pigmentation, texture, acne, rosacea, etc.  Morning and evening skincare routines are similar in the steps: (1) cleanser, (2) toner, (3) serums, (4) eye cream, and (5) moisturizer. In the morning you would add an SPF after moisturizer and in the evening you would add a retinoid after serums if you choose to do so. 

Step 1: Cleanser 

A cleanser is vital in the morning to get rid of any dead skin, pollutants, oils, dirt, and bacteria you may have accumulated overnight. Cleansing your face helps prep your skin to absorb the active ingredients in the other products in your morning skincare routine. The best cleanser for you will depend on your skin type. For normal or dry skin, you should favor a hydrating cleanser with peptides. For oily skin, use a mild exfoliating cleanser with salicylic acid. In the evening, it is essential to cleanse your skin after removing any makeup you may have applied throughout the day. An evening cleanse also allows for skincare products to penetrate and work more effectively while you sleep. 

When cleansing your face, morning or night, it is important to only use warm or cool water. Hot water tends to remove the natural oils in your skin which can lead to dryness. Using lukewarm or cool water helps keep your skin hydrated and does not remove the natural oils your body needs to maintain its health. It is also important to use gentle, circular motions when cleansing the face. This helps decrease the chance of irritating or pulling at the skin. 

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite Cleansers 

Step 2: Toner

Toners were originally created to help return the skin’s pH after it became too basic from harsh soaps, however facial cleansers are now much more balanced now and toners are not a required step in your skincare process. However, there are many benefits that can be derived from using a toner on a daily basis. Toners can act as a delivery system for antioxidants, vitamin-B derivatives, and toning acids. If you have lived without using a toner and your skin looks healthy, there is no reason to start using one and you can skip this step in your skincare routine. The most commonly used toner, which can also be used as a makeup remover, is micellar water. To apply toner, simply soak a cotton pad with the formula of your choice, then swipe it over your face, neck, and decolletage. You should allow the toner to dry before continuing with your skincare routine. Avoid any alcohol-based toners to prevent over drying and irritating your skin.

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite Toner 

Step 3: Serums 

Serums are concentrated, nutrient-dense treatments that address specific skin concerns. Most serums can be used in the morning, as long as adequate sun protection is used. During the day, most individuals tend to choose serums with antioxidants that can protect their skin from daytime stressors such as UV rays and pollutants. The most popular daytime serum ingredient is vitamin C, which can help slow early signs of skin aging, prevent sun damage, and improve the overall appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, and acne. Serums that boost collagen and hydration are great for both morning and evening. Serums contain hyaluronic acid, squalene, and ceramides.  Using your fingertips, apply a pea-sized amount of the serums to your skin and pat the formulation gently on your skin. Resist the temptation to massage the serum into your skin and allow for the product to absorb on its own. 

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite Antioxidant Serums 

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite Anti-Aging Serums 

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite Hyperpigmentation Serums 

Evening Only: Retinoid 

Retinol is a form of Vitamin A with many uses in skincare. It is used to treat acne and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Retinol is a topical treatment that can be found in many forms, including creams and gels. Retinol increases skin cell production and helps unclog pores. It also exfoliates your skin and increased collagen production, which is how it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and can give your skin a fresher, plumper appearance. Retinol can also help the appearance of acne, stretch marks, and hyperpigmentation. While retinol will begin to work immediately after introducing the product into your routine, it can take several weeks before you may see a noticeable improvement in your skin. It is common that individuals may see redness and irritation in their skin before it adjusts and improves. When introducing retinol to your skincare routine it is important to not get discouraged. Start slowly and increase your use of retinol gradually. If you have sensitive skin or notice irritation from using retinol, begin to sandwich the product between two layers of moisturizer or look for sensitive skin retinol options. 

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite Retinol for Sensitive Skin 

Step 4: Eye Cream 

As you age, it is most likely that you will first notice wrinkles around your eye area. The skin around your eyes is much thinner, has very few oil glands to hydrate it, and is subject to hours of micro-movements and facial expressions every day. Therefore, the sensitive area requires special maintenance to keep its youthful appearance. Unlike typical moisturizers, eye creams have special ingredients and formulations that help the unique needs of the eye area. Eye creams can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, puffiness, and dark circles. To apply eye cream use the tips of your fingers, pat underneath your eyes and across the top of the brow, and gently dab your eyelids. 

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite Eye Products 

Step 5: Moisturizer 

Whether you have dry, oil, or combination skin, moisturizer is an essential part of your morning and evening skincare routine. Moisturizers can help keep your skin hydrated and refreshed. As we age, the oil glands that keep skin healthy begin to decrease their production, which can lead to chronic dry skin and more pronounced fine lines and wrinkles. Not only can moisturizers hydrate your skin, but they can also deliver other ingredients such as antioxidants for anti-aging and skin protection, anti-inflammatories to calm and soothe the skin, and anti-microbial to prevent inflection, as well as other nourishing ingredients. You can use the same moisturizer morning and evening, though many opt for a thicker, more hydrating moisturizer as a part of their evening skincare routine. To apply moisturizer glide and smooth the product onto your skin, gently massage it into the surface with firmer pressure than you use to apply your serums. 

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite Moisturizer 

Morning Only: SPF

The number one way to prevent signs of aging and protect your skin is to apply sunscreen each morning and reapply throughout the day. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, when you use sunscreen as directed, you can decrease your risk of skin cancers and precancers. Regular daily use of sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) by about 40 percent and lower your melanoma risk by 50 percent. It is important to look for SPF products that protect against UVB and UVA rays. UVB are the rays that cause sunburns and UVA rays cause tanning and premature aging. You should apply sunscreen every day, even if it looks cloudy outside. A good rule to follow is that if it is bright enough to read by a window, then you need to be wearing sunscreen. Throughout the day, you should reapply sunscreen every two hours. SkinDC recommends your sunscreen should be a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF greater or equal to 30. You can find powder sunscreens that help reapply throughout the day simple and easily! 

Shop SkinDC’s Favorite SPFs

Keeping the Holiday Weight Off

Keeping the Holiday Weight Off

The holiday season is quickly approaching with Thanksgiving preparations and holiday gift shopping. While this season is typically focused on giving to others, don’t let yourself and your goals fall by the wayside. If you have wanted to get rid of unwanted fat, tone your muscles, or simply shape up before the holiday card photos are taken, SkinDC has the right treatments for you! 



What is CoolSculpting? 

CoolSculpting is a fat-freezing technology offering long-term results that will make your ‘trouble spots’ much less troubling. CoolSculpting uses cool temperatures to selectively target fat cells in your body. The cold temperatures signal your fat cells to enter apoptosis, also known as irreversible cell death. These dead fat cells get eaten up by macrophages, which are your body’s cleanup cells, and are ultimately excreted by your lymphatic system. Your body will naturally eliminate the dead cells for two to six months, sometimes more, resulting in up to 20-25 percent reduction of fat in the treated area. The fat cells are not regenerated over time so CoolSculpting is a permanent reduction of fat cells. As we leave adolescence and enter adulthood, we have a fixed number of fat cells. This means that we do not continue to produce more fat cells during our lifetime. 

What Areas Can I Treat? 

The CoolSculpting treatment is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible unwanted fat bulges in the submental (under the chin) and submandibular (under the jawline) areas, inner thighs, outer tights, above the knee, abdomen, and flank, which includes bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and the upper arms. Not everyone is eligible for treatment in all areas, but with a consultation with our Body Contouring Specialist, Ragan Lake, she can draw out a treatment plan that is individualized and customized for your body. 

What Should I Expect During the Treatment?

CoolSculpting is a completely non-invasive treatment for unwanted fat. This means that you can drive yourself to and from the treatment, resume all of your normal activities, and you can even work out on the same day. While the treatment is non-invasive, it can be uncomfortable at times. The first ten minutes of treatment can feel as though an ice pack has been left on your skin. After about ten minutes, the area being treated typically goes numb and the cold feeling subsides. Once the applicator has been removed, the provider will perform a brief two-minute massage on the treated area to break up the frozen fat cells and enhance the fat reduction. 

What is the Timeline of This Treatment? 

After you have received the treatment, the earliest you will notice changes is four to six weeks. Eight weeks is the typical time that a patient will notice a change from the treatment, with three months or twelve weeks being the point when our providers will evaluate the results of the treatment. At SkinDC, we typically recommend patients get at least two rounds of CoolSculpting to their desired treatment area. Schedule a FREE CoolSculpting Consultation today to get a customized treatment plan for your body goals. 

To learn more about CoolSculpting, listen to our Body Contouring Specialist, Ragan Lake, talk about the treatment here: CoolSculpting at SkinDC



What is CoolTone? 

CoolTone is an amazing way to strengthen and tone your muscles. CoolTone uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation or MMS technology to penetrate through the skin and fat layers to target only the muscle layer. MMS induces involuntary muscle contractions. The body’s response to these contractions is to strengthen its muscle fibers, resulting in improved muscle conditioning. After the treatment(s), the treated area is firmer and has a more defined and toned appearance. One 30-minute CoolTone treatment is equivalent to completing 30,000 sit-ups.  Not only will CoolTone help you reach your body’s aesthetic goals, but it will also help improve your physical strength. Your workouts will be more efficient and patients will find their previous workouts less difficult.  

What Areas Can I Treat?

The CoolTone treatment is FDA-cleared for the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. The ideal candidate for CoolTone are patients who wish to improve muscle tone and the firmness of their abdomen, buttocks, and/or thighs and do not have a contraindication to the CoolTone treatment. To find out if you are a good candidate and get a customized CoolTone treatment plan, schedule a consultation with our Body Contouring Specialist, Ragan Lake. 

What Should I Expect During the Treatment? 

During the treatment, one to two applicators will be placed on the patient’s treatment area. Throughout the treatment, the provider will slowly increase the intensity of the magnetic muscle stimulation, ensuring that the patient is never too uncomfortable with the intensity level. One great thing about CoolTone is that it has a built-in mechanism that will tap the patient’s treatment area after each contraction. This tapping allows for the breakup of lactic acid and therefore decreases the patient’s discomfort in the days following their CoolTone treatment session. 

What is the Timeline of this Treatment? 

At SkinDC we use a pretty aggressive initial plan with our patients to give them the best results. We like to see our patients nine times over the course of around three weeks. There is a minimum wait time of 24 hours between treatments. You can wear gym clothes to your treatment and walk out immediately after, with little to no downtime. You may have some soreness the day or two after receiving the treatment, but typically this feels as though you have just completed a workout at the gym. The progression of CoolTone results is fast and by the end of the initial treatment package, patients see, on average, a 30 percent improvement. Unlike with CoolSculpting, there is a maintenance component to CoolTone. At SkinDC, we recommend our patients schedule a single maintenance CoolTone treatment every one to two months after their initial treatment package.  Schedule a FREE CoolTone Consultation today to get a customized treatment plan for your body goals. 

To learn more about CoolSculpting, listen to our Body Contouring Specialist, Ragan Lake, talk about the treatment here: CoolTone at SkinDC



What is Kybella? 

Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area, under the chin, to improve your profile and get rid of unwanted fat. Kybella’s active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids the breakdown and elimination of dietary fat in the digestive system. When injected into the fat layer beneath the chin, Kybella causes the fat cells to die. Once these fat cells are naturally removed by the body, they are permanently gone. 

Is There Any Downtime? 

Following a Kybella injection treatment, the treated area will be swollen for three to four days. There is a risk of developing a bruise at the injection site as well. The submentum, or double chin, will have the most significant and noticeable swelling. For most patients the recovery time from swelling and bruising commonly lasts several days with the first treatment. However, the severity of the side effects typically decreases with subsequent Kybella treatments. 

What is the Treatment Timeline? 

Patients will have an initial consultation with one of our providers to receive a customized Kybella treatment plan. You can schedule a cosmetic consultation at SkinDC to get started on your Kybella journey today! At SkinDC, we see that most patients will need three to six treatments to receive their desired results. Re-treatment of the desired area is completed every two months. You will see the full benefit of the treatment around four to six weeks after the last treatment in a series of three or more treatments. 

To learn more about Kybella, listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Lina Naga, talk about the treatment here: Kybella Treatment at SkinDC



What is Vanquish? 

Vanquish is a good alternative for CoolSculpting for individuals who have a severe reaction to intense cold. Vanquish is a state-of-the-art body contouring device that permanently removes unwanted fat and tightens skin without surgery or downtime. Vanquish uses radio frequency energy to target and kill fat cells without harming the overlying skin or deeper tissues. This treatment is used to reduce the circumference of the abdomen, love handles, lower back, bra bulge, and/or thighs. Vanquish is safe for individuals with all skin types. This treatment is not safe for children, pregnant or nursing mothers. Patients with implanted metal devices, such as pacemakers, in the abdomen or other treatment areas, are not candidates for Vanquish. 

What Should I Expect During the Treatment? 

Being well-hydrated is very important to achieving the best results. We recommend that you drink at least eight to ten glasses of water before and after the treatment. Hydration is important because it helps optimize the radio frequency energy’s ability to target maximum fat reduction. During the treatment, most patients feel like they are wearing a large heating pad over the treatment area. Although your skin may become warm and pink, pain is unusual. If a hot spot forms, the device can easily be adjusted to decrease any discomfort the patient may feel. Each treatment lasts approximately 45 minutes long. Vanquish is a noninvasive procedure meaning there is no surgery, stitches, or scars resulting from the treatment. You may immediately return to normal activities following each session. In addition, because Vanquish uses heat energy, it also helps tighten the skin as well as destroy fat cells. 

What is the Timeline for the Treatment? 

Most often, our patients see a two to a four-inch reduction in unwanted fat after having four to six treatments, with treatments being performed once per week. The patient will likely notice an improvement during the treatment interval, but as fat cells continue to be eliminated from your body, the final results are typically seen one to two months after your last treatment. 

Aging Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Aging Doesn’t Have to Be Scary 

Aging for anyone may seem scary, and getting started with an anti-aging regimen may seem tricky, but it doesn’t have to be with the right skincare and treatment plan. Save the scariness for the costumes this fall and take care of your skin so it can stay BOO-tiful regardless of the season. 


What Causes Our Skin to Age? 

Skin aging is natural and something every person will experience sooner or later. There are two types of skin aging: intrinsic aging and extrinsic aging. Intrinsic aging is an inevitable, genetically determined process that occurs naturally and is affected by the weakened fiber network and slowed production of collagen in the dermis layer of our skin. The signs of intrinsic aging include the loss of underlying fat and bone, leading to hollowed cheeks and eye sockets, as well as loss of firmness and sagging skin. 

Extrinsic aging stems from preventable environmental factors that magnify intrinsic aging. Most premature aging is caused by sun exposure, though other factors include sleeping positions, smoking, alcohol use, and lack of hydration. Signs of extrinsic aging include skin thinning, laxity, fragility, and wrinkles. In addition, sun exposure can lead to melasma, brown spots, and actinic keratosis. 


When Does Our Skin Begin to Age?

Experts have found that skin aging typically begins around the age of 25. After age 25, our bodies start producing less collagen at a rate of approximately one percent less per year. The existing collagen then becomes broken down, fragmented, and overall weaker. With reduced collagen production, our skin loses elasticity and can cause changes such as enlarged pores, frown lines, and wrinkles. 

Typically, the first fine lines appear in your twenties in your forehead. In your thirties, an increase in skin laxity begins. Our face becomes drier and wrinkles are more pronounced in our forties. While these timelines are general, everyone’s aging process occurs in different ways and throughout different times in their lives. At a cellular level, individuals may begin to age, but if we factor in the external influences, you may develop aging signs much earlier than expected. 


Aging in Males versus Females

Everyone ages differently and this fact is even more evident when comparing the aging of males and females. There are three major biological differences between male and female skin when it comes to the aging process. 

Sebum (Oil) Production 

Not only do males have larger pores than females, but they also have higher sebum (oil) production than women. This is because males have a higher amount of testosterone in the body. While this may cause more frequent acne breakouts, there is a benefit to higher oil production. Sebum keeps the skin healthy, supple, and hydrated, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 

Skin Texture and Thickness 

Estrogen and testosterone have an important impact on the skin’s texture and thickness. These hormones help protect aging skin by slowing the breakdown of collagen and elastin, which are both fibers that keep our skin looking firm and youthful. In females, the reduction of estrogen is associated with dry skin and wrinkles. Testosterone is what causes males’ skin to be thicker and more oily compared to that of females. Although males also see testosterone levels dip around age 30, this reduction is much more gradual compared to females’ sudden loss of estrogen during menopause.


Both males and females will develop wrinkles as they age, but wrinkles begin earlier in men. However, they will develop in different areas with varying degrees of severity. For example, males generally get deeper forehead wrinkles and more prominent wrinkles underneath their eyes compared to females. Females see wrinkles appear first near the mouth and then in their lower cheeks. 


When Should I Begin Anti-Aging Treatments?

Most individuals do not start using anti-aging products until they notice moderate signs of aging. Prevention is key when it comes to anti-aging measures, both with cosmetic treatments and skincare. Prevention simply stops something from happening, whereas a cure is trying to undo the damage that has already been done. Therefore, if you can prevent your skin from showing signs of aging, not only will you keep your youthful look for many more years to come, but your skin will respond better to treatment in the future. In short, the earlier you begin taking preventative steps, the better off your skin will be.


Anti-Aging Skincare 

Anti-Aging skincare products, such as moisturizers and various serums, will never be able to completely stop the aging process. However, skincare with active ingredients, such as retinol and growth factors, may slow down the signs of aging and improve the skin’s overall appearance. The following are some of the best skincare products and ingredients to use for anti-aging purposes. 


Diligently using a sunscreen every day has been proven to help slow down the skin’s aging process. According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, individuals who used a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily experienced 24 percent less skin aging than those individuals who only used sunscreen immediately. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a 9broad-spectrum sunscreen every day that you plan on being outdoors. The sun emits harmful rays year round, even on cloudy days. 


Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives and are largely considered to be the gold standard of anti-aging skincare ingredients. Retinoids can not only help reduce the signs of natural aging, but they can also help repair sun damage to the skin. They stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

SkinDC recommends using retinoids every other day at first and then gradually working up to nightly applications because they can cause dry skin and irritation. Retinoids should only be used at night because they will increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. If you are not seeing any results after a few months of using an over-the-counter retinoid, it may be time to schedule an appointment with SkinDC to see if a prescription strength retinoid would be right for you. 

Hyaluronic Acid 

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring glycosaminoglycan found throughout the body’s connective tissue. Around 50 percent of the body’s total hyaluronic acid is present in the skin. Changes in the body’s level of hyaluronic acid, caused by aging or other external factors such as UV exposure, can lead to the formation of wrinkles. A study in 2014 showed that individuals who applied hyaluronic acid topically, twice daily, for 8 weeks, reported up to a 40 percent decrease in the depth of wrinkles and up to a 55 percent increase in skin firmness and elasticity. 

Growth Factors – SkinMedica TNS Advanced+ Serum

Growth factors, such as SkinDC’s favorite SkinMedica TNS Advanced+ Serum (which you can purchase here), are a great addition to your anti-aging skincare routine. SkinMedica’s TNS Advanced+ Serum is a skin rejuvenating formula that visibly improves the appearance of coarse wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin. Powered by TNS®– MR and Renessensce (RSC) Advanced, this combination encourages skin cell renewal and supports collagen and elastin levels revealing a smoother, more radiant and youthful complexion. In a clinical study performed with 45 male and female subjects, ages 37 to 70, that received TNS Advanced+ Serum twice daily for 24 weeks, subjects saw benefits such as smoother visible coarse wrinkles and fine lines, visibly lifted sagging skin, evened out appearance of skin tone and texture. 


Anti-Aging Non-Surgical Treatments 

The key to anti-aging is taking preventative measures and sometimes skincare doesn’t give the results that you may desire. At SkinDC, we have a variety of non-surgical treatments available to reduce the visible signs of aging. 

Chemical Peels 

Vitalize Peel 

The Vitalize Peel combines resorcinol, lactic, salicylic, and retinoic acid (at the aesthetician’s discretion) to offer dramatic improvement in texture and tone. The renewal process stimulates collagen production and improves pigmentation, acne, and melasma. The skin will appear healthier and more youthful with minimal downtime. 

Vi Peel 

The Vi Peel provides a gentle, yet potent, medical-grade chemical peel that removes the damaged, dull outer layer of the skin and allows the fresh, smooth underlying layer to emerge. The Vi Peel treats conditions such as fine lines and wrinkles, age and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and enlarged pores. 

Laser Treatments 

Halo Resurfacing Laser 

The Halo Resurfacing Laser is a fractional resurfacing laser. Resurfacing refers to the category of laser treatments that involve an injury to the skin followed by skin healing. During the healing process, collagen and elastin develop in the skin which will improve texture, scars, pore size, and fine lines.

BroadBand Light Treatment 

Dermatologists use the BroadBand Light Treatment to treat several different skin conditions and patient concerns. At SkinDC, we find that BBL® is best at treating the discoloration that develops with chronic sun damage.  It minimizes the appearance of sun damage, brown spots, freckles, and diffuses background redness to even out skin tone. Pairing BBL® with a resurfacing laser that builds collagen is SkinDC’s favorite combination to address both aspects (discoloration and collagen loss) of chronic sun damage.


Botulinum Toxin Injections 

Botulinum toxin injections, such as Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport, are used for the treatment of facial wrinkles and are the most frequently performed cosmetic procedure in the United States. Injections of small quantities of botulinum toxin into specific overactive muscles cause localized muscle relaxation that smooths the overlying skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. The most common areas of treatment with botulinum toxin are horizontal forehead lines (frontalis), frown lines (glabellar complex), crow’s feet (orbicularis oculi), and laugh lines (nasolabial folds).

Dermal Fillers

Over time, there is bone resorption and fat loss resulting in a change in facial volume and shape. This leads to the classic signs of aging such as folds, wrinkles, bags under the eyes, and hollowed cheeks and temples. Dermal filler injections are a non-invasive procedure that fills out your wrinkles and rejuvenates lost volume in your face. 

Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid to help restore volume beneath the surface of the skin in your cheeks, lips, under the eyes, around your nose, and mouth. 

Skin Tightening


FaceTite is comparable to a surgical facelift, without large scars. The treatment provides a dramatic improvement in skin laxity on the face and neck, which was previously only attainable through a surgical procedure such as a face or neck lift. FaceTite utilizes minimally invasive radio-frequency energy to melt fat and tighten skin for a younger-looking complexion.

Listen to SkinDC’s plastic surgeon, Dr. Jonathan Cabin talk about the FaceTite treatment here: FaceTite at SkinDC


Ultherapy is another treatment used to help lift and tighten the skin without surgery; helping you achieve a more youthful look. Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production in the lower levels of the skin. The safety and efficacy of Ultherapy have been established through multiple clinical studies and over 1 million treatments have been performed worldwide. Ultherapy is an FDA-cleared treatment on the neck, under the chin, and the brow. It is also used to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the chest. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk about Ultherapy here: Ultherapy at SkinDC


Exilis combines radiofrequency energy with ultrasound technology and it is the only device of its kind. One of the differences with the Exilis design in the handpiece can be used in many places on the body and is not limited to one or two areas as with many other systems. During the treatment, subsurface skin tissue gets heated to the point of coagulation. When this occurs, the coagulated collagen starts flushing out of the body and new tissue will replace it. The new collagen takes up the slack under the outer skin layers while other new tissue attracts and absorbs moisture to the treatment areas, generally creating optimal conditions for healthy skin. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk about Exilis here: Exilis at SkinDC



Microneedling uses very fine needles to create equally fine channels through the surface layer of the skin. Even though the body loses collagen at a rate of around one percent per year after a person reaches their mid-20s, the body’s ability to create new collagen remains. However, this ability stays dormant until an injury causes an automatic healing response in the body. Microneedling triggers the healing response, although it creates little to no damage due to the fine, solid needles that are used. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Lina Naga, talk about the Halo Resurfacing Laser here: Microneedling at SkinDC


Morpheus8 by InMode is a revolutionary technology that combines microneedling with radio frequency. The microneedles penetrate the skin to stimulate your body’s natural healing process, returning a fresh, youthful look to your skin. The radio frequency heats the deeper layers of the skin to precise temperatures that cause the fibro septal network to contract and pull your skin tighter. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk about Morpheus8 here: Morpheus8 Microneedling with RF by InMode at SkinDC


Anti-Aging Surgical Treatments 

For patients seeking more drastic and long-lasting results from their anti-aging treatments, there are many surgical options to receive the youthful look that you desire. At SkinDC we have a variety of facial plastic surgery options for patients. 


A facelift is the most effective way to restore youthfulness and treat the most obvious signs of aging in the face. Facelift surgery is one of the best ways to fight the signs of age, giving patients a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. A facelift procedure tightens the skin around the face, helping to get rid of unsightly skin folds, drooping jowls, loose skin, and excess fat. By eliminating loose skin and folds around the face, the elegant contours of the patient’s face are revealed. A facelift surgery leaves patients feeling more beautiful and youthful. 

Listen to SkinDC’s plastic surgeon, Dr. Jonathan Cabin talk about the Face Lift procedure here: Facelift by Dr. Jonathan Cabin at SkinDC

Neck Lift 

A neck lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that helps improve the appearance of the neck, helping create a more overall youthful appearance. As you age, drooping skin and excess fat around the neck can create jowl lines, excessive wrinkling, and a “turkey neck” that can detract from your natural beauty. Any excess or loose skin is pulled tight to the deep recesses of the neck, resulting in smoother and ticker skin around the neck.

Facial Fat Transfer 

Facial aging is classically thought to involve the sagging of skin, related to the cumulative effects of gravity. One of the major signs of aging is the loss of volume in various facial areas, leading to hollowness. A permanent solution is the use of fat, transferred from other areas of the body such as the stomach or legs. When transferred to the face, this fat can replace the lost volume, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Listen to SkinDC’s plastic surgeon, Dr. Jonathan Cabin, talk about facial fat transfer here: Fat Grafting by Dr. Jonathan Cabin at SkinDC

Say Hello to Laser Season!

Say Hello to Laser Season

As the leaves start changing and you break out your coziest sweater, it can only mean one thing: it’s Laser Season! Although we are sad to see summer go, healthier skin is right around the corner. Fall is the perfect time to discover which laser treatments are right for you, repair the damage the sun may have caused over the summer, and get your skin prepped and glowing for the holiday season. 

Why is Fall called “Laser Season”?

Fall is the ideal time for laser treatments for a multitude of reasons. Most laser treatments have strict after-care instructions to avoid sun exposure, which can be difficult during the summer months. Laser-treated skin is more sensitive than normal skin, thereby increasing the risk of hyperpigmentation. This hyperpigmentation can last more than one month after the laser treatment, depending on which treatment you receive and how intense the treatment is on your skin. By delaying laser treatments to the fall and winter, the risk of hyperpigmentation is significantly reduced. While laser treatments are cosmetic procedures, it is important to remember that they are still medical procedures.  All after-care instructions must be followed and proper precaution needs to be taken. 

Why Do We Not Recommend Laser Treatments in the Summer?

Due to the post-care regime of a laser treatment, which includes staying out of the sun, summer is not an ideal time to start laser treatments. During the summer months, the sun is more direct, the UV radiation is higher, and the days are longer. Summer is also warmer which increases blood flow to the skin that may affect healing after lasers. This means the summer sun increases melanin production in the skin. Additionally, since laser-treated skin is more sensitive to the sun, it can be difficult to prevent skin damage in the summer even when taking the proper precautions, including wearing sunscreen. 

Laser hair removal is an excellent example of why laser treatments during summer months are not advised. During a laser hair removal treatment, the laser is heating up the melanin in the patient’s hair follicle in order to destroy the cells that make the hair and keep it from re-growing. If there is more melanin in the skin due to sun exposure, the laser might not be able to accurately distinguish the melanin in the hair versus the melanin in the skin. This can result in the laser heating the pigment in the skin creating a burn which can lead to hyperpigmentation or even scarring. 

Can I Start my Laser Treatments in the Winter or Spring? 

While it is safe to begin your laser treatments in the winter or spring months, we recommend beginning treatments in the fall. Many laser treatments require several visits – ranging from one to six sessions.  A one-month period between each session is typically advised, which will be specified in your consultation with one of our providers depending on your skin goals. Starting in the fall is also recommended so that the patient can begin targeting damage that may have occurred over the previous summer and see results before the holiday parties begin.

What Laser Treatments are Offered at SkinDC? 

Laser treatments can address a multitude of skin concerns and cosmetic skin conditions, such as wrinkles, scars, acne, redness, tattoos, or unwanted hair. Not one laser treatment can fix all of your skin’s problems, so you must find the best laser treatment for your cosmetic needs. At SkinDC, we have eight types of laser treatments in total that work on repairing and revitalizing your skin. Not all lasers are perfect for everyone but our team of Board-Certified Dermatologists can create a customized treatment plan to help meet your skin goals.

BBL® BroadBand Light Treatment

The BBL® BroadBand Light Treatment uses broadband light to reduce background redness and the appearance of brown spots on the skin. Developed by Sciton, the BBL® device emits broad-spectrum photothermal energy, which absorbs brown pigment (melanin) in the skin and the hemoglobin in blood vessels that cause redness. 

Dermatologists use the BroadBand Light Treatment to treat several different skin conditions and patient concerns. While the BBL® can treat skin conditions such as rosacea, spider veins, and acne; we have the VBeam vascular laser that is more selective at removing unwanted red spots on the skin.  At SkinDC, we find that BBL® is best at treating the discoloration that develops with chronic sun damage.  It minimizes the appearance of sun damage, brown spots, freckles, and background diffuse redness in order to even out skin tone. Pairing BBL® with a resurfacing laser that builds collagen is SkinDC’s favorite combination in order to address both aspects (discoloration and collagen loss) of chronic sun damage.

During the treatment, the light energy delivered by the BBL® will gently heat melanin and hemoglobin in the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will lead to the removal of excess pigment and blood vessels. At SkinDC, we recommend periodic BBL® treatments to keep your skin clear and glowing over time. The BBL® BroadBand Light Treatment is the key to keeping your natural youthful skin by making it clearer, vibrant, and younger looking. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Lina Naga, talk about the BBL® BroadBand Light Treatment here: BBL (BroadBand Light) at SkinDC

Halo Resurfacing Laser Treatment 

The Halo Resurfacing Laser, by Sciton, is a fractional resurfacing laser. Resurfacing refers to the category of laser treatments that involve an injury to the skin followed by skin healing. During the healing process, collagen and elastin develop in the skin which will improve texture, scars, pore size, and fine lines. While a conventional laser is a continuous single beam of light energy, a fractional laser takes that single beam and divides it into thousands of very tiny light energy beams or pixels. Since the full power of the laser splits into many fractional streams, the power of the laser spreads and moderates the effects on the treatment area(s) in order to create a controlled injury to the skin.  The skin responds to the injury by healing itself resulting in more collagen and elastin.

The Halo Resurfacing Laser also bridges the gap between ablative and non-ablative skin resurfacing treatments. Ablative resurfacing aggressively stimulates new collagen formation through precise vaporization of the skin. Since a larger injury is created, recovery time is longer than with non-ablative techniques. The Halo Resurfacing Laser is unique in that it delivers both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths of light, delivering the benefits of aggressive treatment with recovery times more in line with non-ablative treatment. The unique hybrid feature of the Halo Resurfacing Laser system simultaneously combines two types of resurfacing treatments within a single session. During the treatment, deep tissue non-ablative injury is combined with mild superficial ablation of the skin surface. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Lina Naga, talk about the Halo Resurfacing Laser here: Halo Resurfacing Laser at SkinDC

PicoWay Resolve® Resurfacing Laser Treatment 

The PicoWay Resolve® Resurfacing Laser, from Candela, is an effective, non-invasive device that stimulates collagen growth and encourages cell turnover, leaving the patient with younger-looking skin. This laser works differently than a lot of the other lasers. PicoWay Resolve®  uses very targeted and short pulses measured in picoseconds (or trillionth of a second). These ultra-short pulses are focused leading to a “photoacoustic” effect, which avoids heating the skin that most resurfacing technologies cause. The disadvantage of heating the skin is that patients with darker skin tones had to avoid these treatments as the heat can stimulate the pigment cells resulting in hyperpigmentation. With the PicoWay Resolve®’s ultra-short pulses creating a mechanical injury, this treatment can be used on all skin types and skin tones. The PicoWay Resolve® stimulates new collagen which improves the appearance of acne scars, pore size, fine lines, and skin texture overall. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk about the PicoWay Resolve® Resurfacing Laser Treatment here: Pico Resolve Laser at SkinDC

ProFractional Laser Resurfacing Treatment 

Created by Sciton, the ProFractional laser treatment is a unique resurfacing technique that focuses on improving the overall quality of the skin. A ProFractional laser treatment is a fractional ablative resurfacing treatment that improves moderate-to-severe photoaging including severe wrinkles and traumatic, surgical, burn, and acne scars. 

Unlike full-field resurfacing techniques that remove the entire surface area of the treatment site, the ProFactional laser creates channels in the skin that have a more narrow diameter. In addition, ProFactional delivers a highly targeted laser beam into the skin and leaves a portion of the tissue intact, making the recovery from this treatment happen in a shorter time frame. The microscopic channels close in 2-3 days followed by 1-2 weeks of post-treatment redness.  

If you desire to have younger-looking skin and improve scarring, wrinkles, or sun damage while avoiding multiple treatments, then the ProFactional laser resurfacing treatment might be right for you. After the healing process is complete, you can expect your skin to appear tighter and smoother, with wrinkles and other skin imperfections dramatically lessened. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk about the ProFractional Laser Resurfacing Treatment here: Profractional Laser at SkinDC

Vbeam Vascular Laser Treatment 

The Vbeam Vascular Laser, designed by Candela, delivers an intense burst of yellow light to your skin. This light is specifically absorbed by the blood vessels in your skin. When these blood vessels are heated, they coagulate and are then reabsorbed by your body. The laser helps lessen or even eliminate the appearance of pink and red spots and patches on the skin. 

The Vbeam Vascular laser is a pulsed dye laser that is the gold standard for the treatment of many conditions that have an underlying vascular blood vessel cause. These conditions include rosacea, spider veins, new red scars, acne scars, red birthmarks, and port wine stains, angiomas, and uneven coloring of the neck. Vbeam targets hemoglobin, the red protein within blood cells, without damaging the surrounding cells or tissues. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Lina Naga, talk about the Vbeam Vascular Laser Treatment here: Vascular Laser at SkinDC

Microlaser Peel Treatment 

The Microlaser peel treatment removes a portion of the dead skin layer (stratum corneum) and superficial epidermis to improve skin texture and pigmentation. This treatment by Sciton only removes the outermost layer of skin to help new, rejuvenated skin cells rise to the surface and promote healing. Using advanced erbium laser technology, the thin layer of skin is safely and precisely removed, replacing the dead skin cells in order to improve the texture and clarity of the patient’s skin. It has a similar mechanism of action to chemical peels but takes advantage of laser physics to lead to a precise and more predictable treatment result.

“Visually [the procedure] provides better luminosity to the skin. Light reflects skin better if you don’t have a thick, dead skin layer. Also, [the treatment] allows for increased cellular turnover of the top layers of the skin, known as the epidermis, so it does help indirectly pull off pigmentations,” says Dr. Terrence Keaney. The treatment strips away light and mild wrinkles easily and quickly with automated scanning and large coverage of the treatment area(s). The depth of the treatment is customizable up to 50um depending on the severity and depth of the wrinkle with the addition of coagulation as an independent setting to improve the turgor of the patient’s skin. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk more about the Microlaser Peel Treatment here: Microlaser Peel at SkinDC

PicoWay Laser Tattoo Removal 

The PicoWay laser tattoo removal treatment, created by Candela, is the most innovative tattoo removal laser on the market today. Compared with the nanosecond technology of the past, today’s ultra-fast picosecond laser removal technology offers less risk and pain, faster results, a broader range of colors removed, and fewer treatment sessions. 

PicoWay utilizes three laser wavelengths. The first wavelength enables the treatment of shallow lesions and tattoo ink colors such as red, yellow and orange. The second wavelength allows for the treatment of deeper lesions and tattoo ink colors such as black and dark blue.  The third wavelength treats bright green and blue. Treatment is suitable for all skin types and tattoo colors. 

Despite what many think, the PicoWay Laser Tattoo does not get rid of the tattoo ink in your skin, but actually breaks up the ink so that your body is able to more quickly and effectively rid itself of the tattoo ink. Therefore, a patient will typically need six to ten treatments to fully break up the ink depending on the color of the tattoo. Colors such as reds, yellows, and oranges are more difficult to break up than blacks and dark blues. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk more about PicoWay Laser Tattoo Removal here: Laser Tattoo Removal at SkinDC

GentleMax Pro™ Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a great option for patients who are looking to get rid of thick, dark, unwanted hair permanently. The GentleMax Pro™ laser hair removal machine from Candela targets the melanin in hair follicles, using single, specific wavelengths that are tuned to match the skin pigmentation of each patient. This means that our laser hair removal treatment will work on all skin types. However, due to the nature of laser hair removal targeting the melanin in the hair follicles, blonde/red hair and peach fuzz are not the targets of laser hair removal. 

Hair follicles grow in a cycle, though not in sync with each other, so several treatments will be necessary to catch follicles at their most vulnerable place in the growth cycle. The melanin in the hair follicles absorbs the energy produced from the laser source and heats up. This heating action destroys the follicle’s ability to grow hair, leading to complete hair removal once all follicles in each area are treated. 

Listen to SkinDC’s co-founder and Board-Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Terrence Keaney, talk more about Laser Hair Removal here: Laser Hair Removal at SkinDC

The Growth of Male Aesthetics


It is a common misconception that cosmetic treatments are solely meant for women. In the last few years, an increase in the number of men getting aesthetic treatments, including toxin injections, fillers, and hair restoration, indicates a huge market potential for male aesthetics. Although men remain a minority compared to women in the industry, the market growth of male aesthetics is currently keeping pace with growth of the female market.

The doctors at SkinDC suggest that awareness may be the biggest obstacle preventing male aesthetics from being as socially accepted as female aesthetics. With the aesthetic medical industry having been mainly marketed to women, men are less likely to be aware of the breadth – and acceptability – of the treatments available to them. As a result of being historically geared towards women, there is a common viewpoint that aesthetic treatments serve to increase femininity and beauty. This is flawed, as treatments can be used to address different aesthetic concerns among both men and women. The top three cosmetic concerns we see in men are hair loss and age-related changes to the jawline and periocular areas. Injections with neurotoxins and dermal fillers can reduce tired and aged appearance without the feminization of facial features. Body contouring can also help men achieve desired body goals.

Every cosmetic treatment/procedure is available to women and men. The first step is getting male patients into the office so the doctors can educate them and provide them the opportunity to consider available options. At SkinDC, our board-certified dermatologists and facial plastic surgeon create unique and individualized treatment plans that cater to the needs and desires of the patient while giving natural yet effective results.

Another large component in the growth of male aesthetics is accessibility. It has only been until recently that the stigma surrounding female aesthetic treatments and procedures has been reduced. With education and awareness perpetuated through social media and marketing, treatments are more accessible than ever. With greater accessibility often comes greater affordability. Treatments that were once considered prohibitively expensive and unnatural to many individuals are now seen as a staple. There is greater acceptance as the industry has grown, techniques have improved, and more options have become available. Similarly to the growth and acceptance of the female aesthetic market, the male aesthetic market seems to be following that pattern.

What was once thought to be out of reach for many women has now become within reach for many men. As the accessibility and acceptance of male aesthetics continue to grow, so does the market. Every person, regardless of their gender, deserves to feel confident. Aesthetic medical treatments allow for this confidence to be achieved without sacrificing masculinity.

Summertime Safe Cosmetic Treatments

Summer is the time to look good and feel even better! At SkinDC, we have all the treatments to help accomplish this. With the sun stronger and the temperatures higher, your safety is our number one priority, and some of our treatments are best suited for the cooler months. Treatments involving lasers and chemical peels may make the skin temporarily more sensitive to the sun and heat. To prevent skin damage and discoloration, we recommend significantly limiting sun exposure for two weeks before and after laser treatments OR waiting until after summer to treat areas regularly exposed to sunlight. In the meantime, here are six of our summer-safe treatments to help you feel your best!



CoolTone is a great option for those looking to achieve more toned and tightened muscles in a number of areas. Unlike CoolSculpting, CoolTone does not use freezing technology. Rather, it uses magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) to improve muscle strength, tone, and firmness in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. This treatment does not dramatically increase the size of muscles but tightens and tones them instead.  It is a great treatment to help maintain your figure in bathing suit weather.



CoolSculpting is the perfect treatment to get your body summer ready! CoolSculpting’s fat-freezing technology gives long-term results that reduce the size of stubborn bulges. While not a solution for weight loss, this treatment aids in getting rid of unwanted fat in areas that do not respond to healthy lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. The CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges under the chin, under the jawline, thigh, abdomen, and flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and upper arm. Coolsculpting is a great way to contour and sculpt your body to feel more confident this summer.


Dermal Fillers

Unlike chemical peels and other facial laser treatments, dermal fillers do not have any negative interactions with the sun or heat. It is the perfect summertime treatment to refresh the face and restore a youthful facial shape. Dermal fillers support overlying skin to restore volume loss, smooth out lines and wrinkles, and reduce signs of aging. It is a terrific option for flat, sunken cheeks, dark circles, shrinking lips, and defining the jawline.



Microneedling is a great substitute for laser resurfacing treatments as it can be done on any skin type. Microneedling uses very fine needles to create equally fine channels through the surface layer of the skin. These micro-injuries trigger a healing response which forms new collagen in the treatment area, propping up skin and attracting proteins such as elastin and hyaluronic acid to the area. This rejuvenation process is created naturally by the body and induced by the microneedling treatment. Although this treatment is possible during the summer, it is critical to limit sun exposure after the treatment.


Botulinum Toxin Injections

Botulinum toxin is the most popular year-round aesthetic treatment.  Careful injection of botulinum toxin causes relaxation of facial muscles in order to reduce dynamic wrinkles. This treatment not only reduces wrinkles, but also has a variety of other uses in the expert hands of SkinDC physicians. It can be used to slim the lower face when placed along the jaw or help with a sagging neck.  Lastly, botulinum toxin can also be injected in the underarms to stop excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis. 



Hydrafacials serve as a great alternative to chemical peels in the summer months. It is the only procedure that is able to combine cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, brighter and smoother skin. This treatment requires no downtime and has instant results, making it the perfect treatment to achieve that summer glow!


Summer Skin Conditions

With nice weather and sunny days, spending more time outside is a given during the summer months. More time spent outside means more exposure to the sun, however sunburn is not the only problem you might run into. Spending significantly more time outside, especially when it is hot, has the potential to cause several uncomfortable skin conditions.


Increased sunlight can cause a host of issues when it comes to acne. High temperatures lead to more sweat which, when mixed with bacteria and the natural oils produced by your skin, can lead to acne comedones (aka “clogged pores”). To prevent acne, it is important to have a good skincare regimen, which includes a topical retinoid.


Even in the summer humidity, dry skin can still be a problem for many people. Spending time in the sun, swimming pool, and air conditioning can lead to dry and irritated skin. Taking care to moisturize your skin, take cooler showers, and reach for gentle products can aid in relieving some of the discomfort. Often in the summer, it is a good idea to switch from a heavy moisturizer to a lighter hydrator that contains hyaluronic acid. If small changes do not result in improvement, schedule an appointment with your dermatologist.


Melasma is another condition that is aggravated by increased sun exposure. Melasma is a common skin condition that causes dark, discolored patches due to heat, hormones, and sun exposure. These patches most commonly appear on the central face. While this condition is not adverse to your health, there are both topical and laser/light-based treatments to lighten and prevent worsening of discoloration.


Finally, one of the most common skin conditions to affect people during the summer months is sunburn. Sunburn is caused by overexposure to the sun that damages the outer layers of skin. Sunburn not only increases your risk of developing melanoma and skin cancer, but also causes skin aging and the development of wrinkles. Taking care to regularly apply a broad spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30+) and avoid direct sun exposure especially during midday hours.


Why are skin exams so important?

One out of five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer within their lifetime. Although skin cancer is
the most common type of cancer, it also has the highest cure rate. Scheduling regular skin exams is the best way for early detection, which improves the odds of a successful treatment. Yearly, full-body skin exams should be supplemented with monthly self-skin exams and monitoring certain moles/spots with the ABCDE guide.The ABCDE guide is an acronym that can help determine if a mole or brown spot may be a melanoma. It stands for
Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, and Evolution.

Skin examinations involve a SkinDC expert doing a thorough check of your skin from head to toe, paying close attention to spots you can’t necessarily see during a self exam. They may utilize a small handheld magnifying device called a dermatoscope, that visualizes the outer surface of the skin (the epidermis) and the layers just beneath it. During the exam your doctor may biopsy a suspicious spot and send it for analysis. In addition to the traditional biopsy method, we offer a Dermtech – sticker biopsy – method to easily and more accurately detect RNA and DNA  from skin tissue samples to find genomic markers of melanoma without cutting the skin. If a sample happens to be cancerous, your doctor will call you to discuss treatment options. Skin exams are incredibly important and useful in detecting skin cancer and treating it early. Scheduling a skin exam may just save your life. The expert team at SkinDC are here to make this process as easy as possible for you.


Staying Sunscreen Safe: The Sunscreen Debacle (Benzene)

With the summer months upon us, it is critical now more than ever to protect ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays. SPF should be a part of your daily routine – all year round – to prevent skin cancer and premature aging. It is essential to ensure that the sunscreen protection you are using is safe not only in function, but in application. This is especially important this summer surrounding the news that Benzene, an organic compound known to be a carcinogen, has been detected in over 78 sunscreen and after-sun care products. 


At the end of May, Valisure, a pharmacy group that conducts routine audits on consumer goods, released data that concluded 78 of 294 tested batches of sunscreen and after-sun care products had detectable amounts of Benzene in their formulas. Research shows that repeated exposure to amounts of Benzene at concentrations of less than 1one part per million (ppm) have been associated with the development of cancers affecting the blood, specifically leukemia. Valisure’s report found that 40 batches of sunscreen contained .11-6.26 ppm of benzene. Absorption of Benzene through the skin and blood is especially concerning because if contaminated sunscreen is properly applied: full application all over the body and reapplication every two hours,  – there is an even greater risk for increased exposure to this harmful carcinogen. Take a look at Valisures published list of contaminated sunscreens to cross-reference your products with the recalled ones.


It is important to note that the presence of Benzene in these sunscreens is due to contamination. Benzene is not an ingredient that is supposed to be in sunscreen. Its presence is due to issues in the American consumer product supply chain. There are plenty of other sunscreen products that were tested by Valisure in this study that do not contain Benzene. The findings of this report aren’ not to discourage people from using SPF, but it should inform people of the products that may have been contaminated and are not to be used. Sun protection products that are free from this harmful chemical are more than safe, and should be applied regularly to prevent skin damage and sunburns. The large amount of sunscreen products that are presumably safe and free of Benzene should be used in conjunction with other sun protection measures like wearing hats, sunglasses, covering up when outdoors, and avoiding direct sunlight between 10:00AM and 2:00PM. 


At SkinDC we recommend mineral/physical sun protection over chemical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens absorb UV rays whereas mineral sunscreens reflect the harmful UV rays. Mineral/physical sunscreens are preferred as they work immediately after application, don’t contain harmful ingredients, are safe for the environment, and tend to be less harsh on the skin. Check out SkinDC’s online skin care store to purchase the dermatologist’s approved picks for sun protection, free from Benzene.